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 169 POV-RayParser/SDLPossible Bug3.6Very LowLow Error in Linux version using #while loop and SweepSplin ...Closed
Task Description

I used POV-Ray to make an animation of my Morgan driving around a slalom course. (If you are curious, you can see the output on youtube under my user name, nojonushi.) To make the long swooping fenders I used Mike William’s SweepSpline macro.

The code rendered the 1189 frames in one go with no problems. But the wheels in that animation do not rotate, so I then added code to rotate the wheels. In the calculations I added I used a #while loop to step through the spline containing the route coordinates and total up the distance traveled. Running POV-Ray on this file produced a random number of images and then issued an error, e.g.

 0:00:00 Processing Frame 456 of 1189
 0:00:00 Parsing

File: mogslalom.pov Line: 1918
Parse Warning: Patch objects not allowed in intersection.
File: mogslalom.pov Line: 2988
File Context (5 lines):

                object {

Parse Error: Identifier expected, incomplete function call or spline call found instead.

Most of the parameters for the macro are missing. But this is after successfully generating, in this case, 455 images.

I have attached a text file with set-up and sample code that has given the error on two different machines.

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