The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POV-Ray).

This is the legacy Bug Tracking System for the POV-Ray project. Bugs listed here are being migrated to our github issue tracker. Please refer to that for new reports or updates to existing ones on this system.

IDCategoryTask TypeReported InPrioritySeveritySummaryStatusProgressDue In Version
 136 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low String concatenation operator Closed
Task Description

Using the concat function is tedious. Why not just have an operator with which to concatenate strings?

“Hello " + “world!”

“Hello " . “world!”

 135 Platform-specificFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Right-click menu when clicking on editor tab Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

When right-clicking on a tab in the editor window a list of options should appear, such as:

* Close
* Close all but this
* Save
* Save as
* Print

See Notepad++, EditPad Lite, and Firefox for examples.

 134 Image formatFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow INI option to overlay render information on output imag ...Closed
Task Description

It would be nice to configure an INI option to add render information like render time, date, and input file to output images.

133Geometric PrimitivesFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery LowSubdivision supportTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Someone built a version of Povray with internal support for automatic subdivision of meshes. See:


Would like to see this feature added natively to Povray.

 132 Geometric PrimitivesFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Native support for mesh-based surface approximations Closed
Task Description

There are various scripts around the Net meant for approximating things like isosurfaces and parametric objects using meshes. It would probably run bit faster and be easier to use if this were supported natively within Povray. The feature would require an additional object parameter in order to toggle this behavior on/off.

131OtherFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowAbility to change the order of editor tabs by dragging ...Tracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

See Notepad++ or EditPad Lite for examples.

It would be nice to be able to drag tabs in the editor window to change their order, so as to group opened files together by relevance for instance.

 130 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowHigh Master scene unit system variable Closed
Task Description

Currently, many POV scenes/include files behave differently depending on the basic units used within the scene. Scaling them differently can affect things like ior and media. A master system variable that users can set to configure the scene’s units would be beneficial for sharing and collaboration purposes, so that person A’s glass interior works correctly in person B’s wine glass scene. Just like the #version system variable, it should have a default value but should be possible to explicitly override.

129Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery LowHash arraysTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Currently, array items may only be referenced by their index number (an integer). It would be nice to also be able to assign string values as array indexes, as in other scripting languages.

 128 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Mixed-type arrays Closed
Task Description

Currently, arrays may contain only one object type. Would be nice to eliminate this restriction and allow arrays to contain objects of different types.

127Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowExpandable arraysTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Currently, arrays are of a fixed size. You can’t add or remove items to/from an array. I think it would like arrays to be expandable with no fixed and pre-determined size.

 126 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Explicit #RETURN statement inside macros Closed
Task Description

In POV SDL it can sometimes be ambiguous what exactly a macro returns. An explicit #RETURNS statement would make this unambiguous.

 125 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowVery Low System variable to track whether a file has been includ ...Closed
Task Description

Request a system variable to test whether a scene file has been included by another scene file.

For instance:

#if (is_included)
  camera {...}
 124 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low variable number of parameters in macros Closed
Future release Task Description

Many programming languages support an indeterminate number of parameters in functions/macros.

JavaScript for instance supports an “arguments” object.

Lua for instance supports the “args” object.

I would like to see that added to POV as well.

Here’s an JavaScript example:

function ArgTest(a, b){
   var i, s = "The ArgTest function expected ";
   var numargs = arguments.length;     //Get number of arguments passed.
   var expargs = ArgTest.length;       //Get number of arguments expected.
   if (expargs < 2)
      s += expargs + " argument. ";
      s += expargs + " arguments. ";
   if (numargs < 2)
      s += numargs + " was passed.";
      s += numargs + " were passed.";
   s += "\n\n"
   for (i =0 ; i < numargs; i++){      //Get argument contents.
   s += "  Arg " + i + " = " + arguments[i] + "\n";
   return(s);                          //Return list of arguments.
 123 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow #BREAK statement inside #WHILE and #FOR loops Closed
Task Description

Request #BREAK statement inside #WHILE and #FOR loops.

 122 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow #ELSEIF statement Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

Request an #ELSEIF statement in POV SDL.

 121 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Option to render pixels randomly, or in Nth pixel Closed
Task Description

Assuming there are no performance issues, it would be nice to tell Povray to select the pixels to render randomly, so that the image gets filled in gradually instead of from top to bottom and from left to right.

Also, maybe an option to tell it to render every Nth pixel.

 120 DocumentationCompatibility Issue3.70 beta 37aVery LowVery Low More library paths, wildcards Closed
3.70 release Task Description

20 library paths is a bit small given the sheer number of include files I’ve collected over the years. An increase in the number, and/or the ability to include wildcards in the search path, would be great.

 119 DocumentationFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Table of Contents in each page of the docs Closed
3.70 release Task Description

There should be a table of contents on each page of the documentation, or at least on the very long pages. Scrolling through the entire page to figure out what topics are covered sucks.

118Light sourceFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowMore efficient handling of fading lightsTracked on GitHub
3.71 release Task Description

Currently, fading light sources are used for lighting and shadow
calculations even when so far away as to no longer have any effect
on the outcome. The proposed solution is to add a new keyword
fade_cutoff_distance which tells povray to ignore the light
source when alluminating a point at larger distance.

A sample implementation is provided in the attached files. These
changes are still based on beta 34 as sources for the current beta
are not yet available, and starting to merge changes to beta 35
only at this time didn’t seem worth the effort. Also, please
disregard, changes in the CVS header comments (I also use
CVS locally for managing source files).

Further considerations regarding this feature:

- For special effects this feature can also be used if the light
source does not actually use fading. On the other hand, cutting
the light at some distances can be considered an extreme form
of fading which may justify the keyword name anyhow.

- Depending on how  FS#46  is implemented, the test for cutoff may
then be needed at another location as well.

- The default value currently is 0 (or *no* cutoff distance). For
#version 3.7 of higher, the default could be chosen automatically
based on the light source intensity and adc_bailout, although it
may then need to be overriden by the user for extreme pigments.

 117 Sample scenesUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Update Benchmark.pov Closed
Task Description

The included scenes\advanced\benchmark.pov (v1.02)is different then the winpov menu render\run benchmark (v2.01).

The winpov menu render\run benchmark is missing some objects, turned off in early betas?

 116 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow assertion fails when using "filter all" with small-pale ...Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

When using “filter all VALUE” with an image_map using a 4-bit (16-color) paletted bmp image, debug builds of POV-Ray fail with an assertion.

According to code analysis, other paletted image formats with <256 palette entries are also likely to be affected; similar assertion fails can be expected when using the “filter INDEX, VALUE” feature on such files with an index exceeding the palette size. “transmit” shows the same flaws.

115Texture/Material/FinishFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowMore cutaway_texturesTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Think this is still a problem. See the attached scene file. Find the WindowFrameSegment declaration for more info. The scene as-is shows the problem (SOME portions of the difference inherit the color of the room) the window opening is scaled larger to show that they AREN’T touching. The problem goes away when (in WindowFrameSegment) the 1st occurrence of the applied texture is commented out and the 2nd occurrence is uncommented, and cutaway_textures is commented out.

 114 PreviewDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Mosaic Preview not displaying properly Closed
Task Description

Mosaic preview display didn’t work as expected, given these command line options: +sp64 +ep16. The preview was solid colored instead of the coarse preview that you’d expect.

I’ve tested a fix to unix/disp_sdl.cpp from clipka and it appears to work.

 113 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37aLowHigh Multi-layered reflections broken Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

Reflections in multi-layered textures are broken in 3.7 betas, as can be demonstrated with the following scene showing two reflective hemispheres on a checkered plane:

camera {
  location  <1.0, 0.5, -4.0>
  direction 1.5*z
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

light_source {
  <0, 0, 0>            // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb <1, 1, 1>  // light's color
  translate <-30, 30, -30>

default {
 finish { diffuse 0 ambient 0 specular 0 }

// ----------------------------------------

plane {               // checkered floor
  y, -1
    pigment { checker color rgb 1 color blue 1 }
    finish{ diffuse 0.8 ambient 0.1 }

// left hemisphere
intersection {
  sphere { 0, 1 }
  plane { x, -0.002 }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.5 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.4 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.1 } }

// right hemisphere
intersection {
  sphere { 0, 1 }
  plane { -x, -0.002 }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 1.0 } }

Note that the reflection parameters of the left, multi-layered hemisphere sum up to 1.0, i.e. the same value as used in the single layer in the right hemisphere.

The first attached file (test_3.6.2.png), rendered with POV-Ray 3.6.2, shows the expected output: Both hemispheres appear to have the same reflectivity.

The second attached file (test_3.7.0.beta37a.png), rendered with POV-Ray 3.7.0.beta.37a, shows a much brighter left (multi-layered) sphere.

As it turns out, in order to get the expected result with POV-Ray 3.7.0.beta.37a, the reflectivity of each layer must be divided by 3, 2 and 1, respectively (which obviously does not sum up to 1.0):

  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.5 / 3 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.4 / 2 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.1 / 1 } }
 112 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow OpenEXR alpha is only written when it shouldn't be Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

OpenEXR output currently writes an alpha channel when Output_Alpha=off (-UA), and does not write an alpha channel when Output_Alpha=on (+UA), i.e. doing it just the wrong way round.

 111 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Remove_Bounds=off / -UR does not work properly Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

Automatic removal of user-specified bounding boxes cannot be disabled in current POV-Ray 3.7 betas; the Remove_Bounds ini file setting and the +/-UR command line option are silently ignored.

 110 Sample scenesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Sample Lathe Scenes no Longer work in 3.7 Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

The following line in the lathe1a.pov, lathe1b.pov, and lathe1c.pov appears to have an error in it.

  <3.6.9>, <4, 1.1>, <3.4, 2>, <3, 1>, <2, 1>,

Although it works in version 3.6, only in 3.7 does a render time error ocurr.

Scene source should be adjusted to the following

  <3.6, 0.9>, <4, 1.1>, <3.4, 2>, <3, 1>, <2, 1>,
 109 OtherCompatibility Issue3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low Debug_File No Longer Appends Frame by Frame Debug Data Closed
Future release Task Description

The function of the “Debug_File=” .ini option has changed from 3.6 to 3.7.37a.
In 3.6, when rendering multiple frames, a debug file would be created that then appended the debug lines for each frame into the file. It was therefore able to have debug data that identified what parameters were used in which frame in case a frame did not have the desired effect.

In 3.7.37a, the debug file does not perform this function. Instead it creates a new debug file (overwriting the prior) with each new frame. Therefore the debug data is only useful for the final frame (or wherever the render was halted). This is useful for a single frame render or for identifying a fault within a series of frames (because only the last one will remain) but it is not useful for many frames that render successfully.

This problem does not cause any rendering errors or other defects. The debug file specified will only contain the debug data for the last frame rendered.

Per discussion in the forum it was unknown if this was a bug or “feature”. At this time it is causing me a problem so I am submitting the bug. No related bugs were found searching for “output” or “debug” in any status.

Operating System in use is Windows XP. I cannot test 3.7.37a in additional OSes, but it does not seem like it would be OS-specific.

108Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37Very LowLowmotion_blur feature similar to Megapov versionTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

motion_blur which is a simple and effective feature to use in Megapov to simulate motion blur of, e.g. bird wings, propellers or running animals, would be a neat addition to version 3.7 and later.

In Megapov, the feature requires a line of code in the global_settings{} e.g.: motion_blur 10, 2
and a declaration for the moving object. e.g.:

motion_blur {
  type 0
  object{MyObject  material{MyMaterial rotate x*clock*2}}
  rotate x*clock*10

type represents several types of pre-defined motions.



 107 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37Very LowLow Failed to parse INI file, over network Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

I can no longer run a Myfile.ini over a network, on a different computer.

Possiblely related to:

    http://bugs.povray.org/task/97   FS#97  (Forward-slash pathnames not fully supported in Windows version)

Cannot open INI file
Failed to start render: Failed to parse INI file

106DistributionUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 37Very LowLowUpdate sample scenes and include files for POV-Ray 3.7 ...Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

Most sample scenes and include files were designed at times when POV-Ray did not to any proper gamma handling, or still used the inferior 3.6 “assumed_gamma” mechanism.

All the scenes and include files should be reviewed, and updated to fit the new 3.7 gamma model.

The primary task will probably be gamma-adjusting literal color values and ambient parameters; I suggest using macros (which ideally should be defined in an include file) to be set according to the #version statement, so the scene/include file could be kept compatible with older versions.

 105 User interfaceUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 37Very LowLow output options not displayed Closed
Task Description

POV-Ray 3.7 does not show output options, such as:

Output Options
  Image resolution 640 by 480 (rows 1 to 480, columns 1 to 640).
  Output file: D:\foo\test.png, 24 bpp PNG
  Graphic display......On  (gamma: 2.2)
  Mosaic preview.......Off
  CPU usage histogram..Off
  Continued trace......Off

(the above is what 3.6 used to show)

 104 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37MediumCritical Output file gamma broken for File_Gamma=1.0 Closed
3.70 beta 37a Task Description

Setting File_Gamma=1.0 produces unexpectedly bright output files for most output file formats, as if File_Gamma was set to 2.2 instead.

The underlying problem is a bug that, when File_Gamma is set to exactly 1.0, causes the encoding gamma function to be undefined, which was not meant to happen in current versions, and instead was reserved for future versions to signal that a file-format-specific default encoding gamma should be used. The image file output handlers already support this, most of them choosing the sRGB transfer function, giving roughly the same output as setting File_Gamma=2.2.

As a preliminary workaround, users may want to set File_Gamma=1.02 (any value smaller than 0.99 or greater than 1.01 should do).

 103 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37Very LowLow JPEG output does not conform to baseline JFIF standard Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

POV-Ray 3.7-generated JPEG image output files do not conform to the JFIF standard. Most importantly, the files written do not use the standard YCbCr color model (they seem to use plain RGB instead), nor do they have a proper JFIF tag.

As a consequence, some software may be unable to read the generated JPEG files properly. In addition, it seems that POV-Ray mixes up the Red and Blue channels.

 102 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.6Very LowLow #switch directive parsing problem Closed
Task Description

The #switch directive isn’t parsing correctly. In the following construct NO warning or error is generated:

#switch (RF)

case (0)
	rotate z*355
case (144)
	rotate z*7.5
case (216)
	rotate z*5


RF is a variable passed to the macro in which this construct resides. The first ‘case’ action IS executed, but none of the others are on successive calls to the macro. If I properly add ‘#’ to the second case the 1st and 2nd condition are executed but not the last. If ‘#’ is REMOVED from any of the break directives an error is generated and parsing halts.

 101 Include filesFeature Request3.70 beta 36Very LowLow woodmaps.inc dependency Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

woodmaps.inc depends on colors.inc, more specifically the definition of the color “Clear” perhaps a #ifndef colors.inc belongs in woodmaps.inc or probably more correctly changing the call of “Clear” to rgbf 1

 100 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowLow cutaway_textures Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

When using cutaway_textures the differenced part traces black. Simple scene file attached.

99Refactoring/CleanupUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 36DeferVery LowRefactor engine (front- & back-end) code for Unicode su...Tracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Front- & Back-end code should be refactored for full Unicode support in scene files and strings.

98Refactoring/CleanupUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 36DeferMediumRefactor Windows UI code for Unicode supportTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Windows UI code should be refactored to use _TCHAR throughout instead of char, as well as the corresponding string function macros, to head for Unicode support.

 97 OtherPossible Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowLow Forward-slash pathnames not fully supported in Windows  ...Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

The current Windows version of POV-Ray does not fully support forward slashes in pathnames; specifically, POV-Ray fails to recognize drive letters when followed by a forward slash, e.g. “C:/foo/bar.pov” or “C:/foo\bar.pov”, rejecting such names for e.g. Input_File_Name.

96Texture/Material/FinishFeature RequestNot applicableVery LowLowUser-defined warpsTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

User-defined warps would be nice to have, something along the lines of:

warp {
  function { MyFnX(x,y,z) } // function to compute pattern-space x-coordinate from object-space <x,y,z> coordinate
  function { MyFnY(x,y,z) } // ditto for pattern-space y coordinate
  function { MyFnZ(x,y,z) } // ditto for pattern-space z coordinate

// a displacement warp:
warp {
  function { x + MyFnX(x,y,z) }
  function { y + MyFnY(x,y,z) }
  function { z + MyFnZ(x,y,z) }
 95 PhotonsDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36LowHigh Photons are over-attenuated by semi-transparent surface ...Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

The code to attenuate transmitted photons according to surface texture was apparently duplicated during refactoring of the source code for version 3.7. Behavior has changed from 3.6 to 3.7 (beta.36) accordingly, as can be demonstrated with the following scene:

global_settings {
  assumed_gamma 1.0
  max_trace_level 10
  photons { spacing 0.02 }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,2.6,-10>
  look_at   <0,0.75,0>

light_source {
  color rgb 1.3
  photons {
    refraction on
    reflection on

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

plane {
  y, 0
  texture { pigment { color rgb <1.0, 0.8, 0.6> } }

#declare M_Glass=
material {
  texture {
    pigment {rgbt 1}
    finish {
      ambient 0.0
      diffuse 0.05
      specular 0.6
      roughness 0.005
      reflection { 0.1, 1.0 fresnel on }
  interior {
    ior 1.5
    fade_power 1001
    fade_distance 0.9
    fade_color <0.5,0.8,0.6>

#declare M_PseudoGlass2=
material {
  texture {
    pigment {rgbf <0.8,0.2,0.2,0.8>}
    finish {
      ambient 0.0
      diffuse 0.05
      specular 0.6
      roughness 0.005
      reflection { 0.1, 1.0 fresnel on }
  interior {
    ior 1.0

sphere {
  <1.1,1,-1.3>, 1
  material { M_Glass }
  photons {
    target 1.0
    refraction on
    reflection on

box {
  <2.4,0,-2.3>, <2.6,4,0.3>
  material { M_PseudoGlass2 }
  photons { target 1.0 refraction on reflection on }

 94 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowHigh Unexpected refraction angle in interfaces with changing ...Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

I’ve tried to model this setup:
http://kschwebke.webng.com/povray/ior-interfaces/drawing.png with the following SDL:

A small overlap between the two transparent solids is needed, because a gap
would lead to total reflection. The camera in the test scene looks in the
direction of the ray in the setup drawing. The setup is surrounded with angular
markers, so one can easily read the final resulting looking angle.

POV-Ray 3.6.1 renders the expected result (~53° in the center of the screen):

POV-Ray 3.7.0b35a (compiled Unix source) renders a different
(and in my opinion wrong) angle (~67°), however – for the very same scene file:

I’ve started a discussion about this issue in povray.beta-test: http://news.povray.org/povray.beta-test/thread/%3Cweb.4bba4677730ab9f3e8c084b40%40news.povray.org%3E/

All linked documents are also attached.

 93 PhotonsDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowMedium Photons are unnaturally amplified by pass_through objec ...Closed
3.70 release Task Description

The following scene shows how photons are “boosted” by pass_through objects; removing one of the boxes will reduce the effect; the effect can be seen with 3.6 as well as current betas:

global_settings {
  max_trace_level 10 // makes a difference!
  photons { spacing 0.02 }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,2.6,-10>
  look_at   <0,0.75,0>

light_source {
  color rgb 1.3
  photons {
    refraction on
    reflection on

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

plane {
  y, 0
  texture { pigment { color rgb <1.0, 0.8, 0.6> } }

#declare M_Glass=
material {
  texture {
    pigment {rgbt 1}
    finish {
      ambient 0.0
      diffuse 0.05
      specular 0.6
      roughness 0.005
      reflection { 0.1, 1.0 fresnel on }
  interior {
    ior 1.5
    fade_power 1001
    fade_distance 0.9
    fade_color <0.5,0.8,0.6>

sphere {
  <1.1,1,-1.3>, 1
  material { M_Glass }
  photons {
    target 1.0
    refraction on
    reflection on

cylinder {
  <-1.2,0.01,0.8>, <-1.2,2.5,0.8>, 1
  material { M_Glass }
  photons {  // photon block for an object
    target 1.0
    refraction on
    reflection on

box {
  <2.4,0,-2.3>, <2.6,4,-0.3>
  material { M_Glass }
  photons { pass_through }

box {
  <2.9,0,-2.3>, <3.1,4,-0.3>
  material { M_Glass }
  photons { pass_through }
 92 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36LowHigh Sphere_Sweep Bug Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

This item may need to be merged with item FS#81. This is another sphere sweep bug, though they are of different spline types.

The code is

#include "colors.inc"

camera {
  location  <0, 0.0, -4.0>
  direction 1.5*z
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>

light_source {
  <0, 0, 0>            // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb <1, 1, 1>  // light's color
  translate <-30, 30, -30>

#declare i_start = 0;
#declare i_stop = 3;
#declare i_step = 0.05;
#declare i_inc = i_start;
sphere_sweep {
  linear_spline                 // linear curve

  (i_stop - i_start)/i_step + 1,    // number of specified sphere positions
  #declare y_coor = 0.23*sin(7.1*i_inc);
  <i_inc, y_coor, 0>, 0.05
        #declare i_inc = i_inc + i_step;

pigment{color Orange}


91Texture/Material/FinishFeature Request3.70 beta 36DeferLowSlope pattern applied to object is not transformed afte...Tracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

There is an big issue with the slope pattern: when the object it is applied to is instanced (again) with a transformation (in particular a rotation, as a translation would not impact.. but a shear might), the colours of the surfaces are changed.

object { p translate -5*x }
object { p rotate 220*y+20*x    translate 3*x }       

Nobody would expect the object to be different in appearance.
If slope {} is replaced with wood, all is fine. (as for others textures, i guess)

IMHO, the slope vector need to be adjusted for the later transformation(s) (so as to compensate the issue of using the Perturbed Normal vector).

This should not impact the AOI/FACING (experimental) patterns, as AOI definition is pretty clear about duplicating & transform if you think about it a bit, as well as FACING: for these two, it is expected to either use the ray(current point of view) or a fixed 3D point as reference. At the limit, discussion about moving the 3D point of FACING might also be opened to interpretation.

AOI/FACING are in task #19

 90 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowVery Low POV-Ray accepts additional patterns after "slope" Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

The following code is erroneously accepted by POV-Ray (tested with 3.7.0.beta.36):

  slope { x }

The result is a checker pattern.

Apparently there is an EXIT statement missing in the slope-pattern parsing code in parstxtr.cpp.

 89 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowLow PPM output garbled for bit depths other than 8 bits Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

When choosing PPM output with a bit depth other than 8 bits per color channel (e.g. +FP16), POV-Ray messes up the colors (see thread news://news.povray.org:119/4babb48f$1@news.povray.org)

 88 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowLow File output code does not properly handle negative colo ...Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

File output code for virtually all file formats performs gamma correction on unclipped color values, which leads to issues when color values happen to be negative for some reason and gamma does not happen to be an integer value such as 1.0 or 2.0. As a consequence, subsequent steps (clipping and converting to integer) apparently produce compiler-dependent results. Compiled with Microsift or Intel compilers, POV-Ray seems to write zero brightness in such cases, while compiled with g++ 4.4 (and possibly other compilers) it seems to write full brightness instead.

(See thread news://news.povray.org:119/4ba819f6@news.povray.org for examples.)

The proper solution should be to apply gamma correction after clipping.

87Geometric PrimitivesFeature RequestNot applicableDeferVery LowAdd new feature: Reference objectTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

When you instantiate an object several times, eg:

object { MyObj translate -x*10 }
object { MyObj translate x*10 }

POV-Ray will copy that object in memory, at least for most types of objects. Not for all of them, though. Most famously if MyObj is a mesh, it won’t be copied, but only a reference to the original will be used, thus saving memory. (There are a few other primitives which also don’t cause a copy, such as bicubic_patch and blob, but those are naturally not so popular as mesh, so it’s a less known fact.)

AFAIK the reason why referencing (rather than copying) is not used for all types of objects is rather complicated, and mostly related to how transformations are applied to these objects. For example if the object being instantiated is a union, the translates above will be (AFAIK) applied to the individual members of the union rather than to the union object itself.

Copying, however, can be quite detrimental in some situations. For example if you have a huge union, and you want to instantiate it many times, the memory usage will be that many times larger (compared to just one instance). This is sometimes something which the user would not want, even if it made the rendering slightly slower as a consequence. (In other words, better to be able to render the scene in the first place, rather than running out of memory.)

Redesigning POV-Ray so that all objects would be referenced rather than copied would probably be a huge job, and in some cases a questionable one. There probably are situations where the current method really produces faster rendering times, so redesigning POV-Ray so that it would always reference instead of copy, could make some scenes render slower.

So this got me thinking about an alternative approach: How hard would it be to create a special object which sole purpose is to act as a reference to another object, without copying it? This special reference object would act as any regular object, would have its own transformation matrix and all that data related to objects, but its sole purpose is to simply be a “wrapper” which references an existing object. It could be, for example, like this:

object_ref { MyObj translate -x*10 }
object_ref { MyObj translate x*10 }

The end result would be exactly identical as earlier, but the difference is that now MyObj behaves in the same way as a mesh (in the sense that it’s not instantiated twice, but only once, even though it appears twice in the scene), regardless of what MyObj is.

In some cases this might render slightly slower than the first version (because POV-Ray has to apply the transformations of the object_ref first, after which it applies whatever transformations are inside MyObj), but that’s not the point here. The point is to save memory if MyObj is large.

An object_ref would behave like any other object, so you could do things like:

#declare MyObjRef = object_ref { MyObj };

object { MyObjRef translate -x*10 }
object { MyObjRef translate x*10 }

(The only thing being instantiated (and copied) here is the “MyObjRef” object, not the object it’s referring to, so that actual object is still stored in memory only once.)

In some situations it might even be so that referenced objects actually render faster than if the objects were copied because references increase data locality, lessening cache misses.

I believe this could be a rather useful feature and should be seriously considered, unless there are some major obstacles in implementing it.

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