The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POV-Ray).

This is the legacy Bug Tracking System for the POV-Ray project. Bugs listed here are being migrated to our github issue tracker. Please refer to that for new reports or updates to existing ones on this system.

IDCategoryTask Type  descReported InPrioritySeveritySummaryStatusProgressDue In Version
263Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 RC6Very LowLowFunctions and patterns for finish variationsTracked on GitHub
Task Description

the pigment {} and normals {} sections allow spatial variation of color, transparency and normal map. On the other hand, the specular parameter is a fixed scalar. This removes many possibilities. For instance, specularity could vary in space (speckles of oil or water on a surface, worn-out finish, having specularity reduce where the pigment transparency increases) and have color components. With current settings, the light’s color is simply multiplied by the scalar specified by “specular”, whereas multiplying each component with different color could create diverse effects (the “metallic” keyword already acts similar to duplicating the specular color from the pigment). The syntax could be exactly the same as for the pigment (all the patterns, color maps, image maps and functions would apply, allowing reuse of most of the code).

The effect can now be partially faked by having patterned textures, but it requires a very complex code and the lack of layering of patterned textures makes it difficult to vary the specularity and pigment separately.

In a similar way, roughness and brilliance could also vary in space.

Doing the same for varying reflectivity would be more difficult, as it has angular dependence and possibilty of Fresnel calculation, but it could at least be a full color instead of a simple scalar multiplier. For instance, having a blue surface that reflects only red component of the light should not be impossible.

I think at least part of this functionality actually makes the scene description language more uniform and self-consistent.

281Geometric PrimitivesFeature Request3.70 RC7DeferLowBug in rendering of Bézier patchesTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

In version 3.7.0.RC7.msvc10.win64, there is a bug in rendering Bézier patches in which four points (along one edge) are all the same point.

The rendering can be seen here:
[Edit: See attachment for the rendering]

As you can see, there is a visible unwanted artifact in the corner of each patch. The two patches shown are essentially the same, except with the 4×4 matrix of vertices transposed (just to demonstrate that simply transposing it didn’t fix it).

Expected rendering is a smooth surface without the artifact.

Below is the code used to render the above example.

#version 3.7;

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }

camera {

  location <45, 31, -10>
  look_at <40, 21, 200>
  right x*image_width/image_height


light_source {

  <660, 300, -525>
  color rgb 1


Example 1: First point in each row is the same point
bicubic_patch {
type 1 flatness 0.001
u_steps 4 v_steps 4
<32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <34.4968, -23.78125, 0>, <35.2168, -23.78125, -0.72>, <35.2168, -23.78125, -3>,
<32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <34.4968, -22.10256, 0>, <35.2168, -21.57244, -0.72>, <35.2168, -21.57244, -3>,
<32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <33.9709, -21.55577, 0>, <34.52483, -20.85299, -0.72>, <34.52483, -20.85299, -3>,
<32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <32.30556, -21.50298, 0>, <32.33359, -20.78352, -0.72>, <32.33359, -20.78352, -3>
rotate 180*x scale 1.4
translate ←5, 0, 0>
pigment { color <1, 0, 0> }
Example 2: First row is all the same point
bicubic_patch {

  type 1 flatness 0.001
  u_steps 4 v_steps 4
  <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>,
  <34.4968, -23.78125, 0>, <34.4968, -22.10256, 0>, <33.9709, -21.55577, 0>, <32.30556, -21.50298, 0>,
  <35.2168, -23.78125, -0.72>, <35.2168, -21.57244, -0.72>, <34.52483, -20.85299, -0.72>, <32.33359, -20.78352, -0.72>,
  <35.2168, -23.78125, -3>, <35.2168, -21.57244, -3>, <34.52483, -20.85299, -3>, <32.33359, -20.78352, -3>
  rotate 180*x
  scale 1.4
  pigment { color <1, 1, 0> }


282Image formatFeature RequestNot applicableDeferLowUnrendered region should be transparent, not blackTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

When rendering only a region of a file, using the command-line options +sc/+sr/+ec/+er, the area of the image that is excluded comes out as black in the final PNG.

Expected behaviour is for it to be transparent.

 297 OtherFeature Request3.70 RC7Very LowLow Have a user-definable epsilon Closed
Task Description

There are times when scaling an entire scene up or down is difficult or just not feasible.

One suggestion is a global_settings option.

Also, I’ve noticed that in some situations, such as interactions between certain transparent objects, the epsilon seems to kick in quite early. Perhaps there could be situational or contextual epsilons, such as the “tolerance” of sphere_sweep or the “accuracy” of isosurface.

299Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 RC7Very LowLowObject Properties FeatureTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Up to POV-Ray 3.7 RC7 it has not been possible so far to declare custom properties for POV-Ray’s objects, which would be especially useful for complex objects defined in include files.

Currently, if you want to have an object (e.g. a car) with certain variable parameters (e.g. colour, wheel rotation, ...) defined in an include file and the parameters set by a scene file which uses the include file, you have to choose one of the following approaches:

1. use a macro

#macro car(colour, wheelrot, ...)

or, 2. check parameters declared before, e.g.

#declare car =
union {
  #ifdef (colour)
    #local colour_internal = colour;
    #local colour_internal = default_colour;

The resulting object would be used in the following way:

  #include "car.inc" // include file once
  object {
    car(rgb <1,0,0>, 0, ...) // macro approach
  // other approach
  #declare colour = rgb <1,0,0>;
  #declare wheelrot = 0;
  #include "car.inc" // include file every time you want to have a car object instance
  object {

Needless to say, both approaches are not quite optimal.

  • The macro approach needs only one #include directive and name conflicts will (hopefully) not be a problem. However, one would have to look up the parameter order of the macro in the include file, in the worst case every time the macro is used.
  • The other approach needs as many #include directives as car objects shall be instantiated, there can arise name conflicts with other inculde files used in the scene, and a (potentially long) list of parameters has to be declared before each #include. On the other hand, with this approach for any value it is clear which information it gives, e.g. #declare colour = rgb <1,0,0> can easily be read as ‘set car colour to “red”‘.

My suggestion would be creating an SDL feature to

  • declare which properties a certain object can have
  • set these properties inside the object statement in which the object is used.

One step up could be to even declare object classes along with them.

This could look like this:

// include file code
class car { // alternatively (without classes) use #declare car = object { ...
  property colour = rgb <1,0,0>; // with default colour
  union {

// scene file code
car { // alternatively (without classes) use object { car ... }
  colour rgb <0,0,1>

Note that this solution makes the declarations much more concise and easy-to-read. Especially in scenes with many includes and animation scenes where objects’ properties have to be manipulated according to sometimes complex functions, this would be very useful. Please also consider that such user-defined objects can have dozens of properties.

 305 Geometric PrimitivesFeature Request3.70 RC7Very LowLow remove maximum component limit for blobs Closed
Task Description

Blobs are currently limited to 1,000,000 components (with each cylindrical component counting as three: one cylinder + two end hemispheres); this limit may have served a historic purpose, but is now entirely arbitrary: The remaining code is limited only by the available RAM and the numeric limits of the int data type. The arbitrary maximum components limit per blob should therefore be removed.

Aside from unnecessarily limiting the power of the blob component, another drawback of the current test is that it is only performed after parsing of all the blob’s components, potentially hours after the limit had actually been reached.

310EditorFeature Request3.70 RC7Very LowLowEditor should remember bookmarksTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Now the editor remembers only the cursor positions of the loaded files when starting a new PR session. It would be more friendly to remember whether the window was split or not, as well as the bookmarks.

319Texture/Material/FinishFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLowAdd interior to #default directiveTracked on GitHub
Task Description

When working with predefined materials, it would be useful to have something like:

#if (!Use_photons)
  #default { interior { caustics 1 } }

#include "my_predefined_materials.inc"

Default medias or IORs could also be useful.

327Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLowSupport for non-ASCII characters in filename stringsTracked on GitHub
Task Description

pov 3.7 Can not identify the Chinese.I give the texture map filename in chinese,it turns out parse error.

 332 User interfaceFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLow Progress animation in taskbar tabs Closed
Task Description

On Windows 7 and newer operating systems, some programs are able to display their progress in the taskbar buttons.

Here is an example of Chrome downloading something and showing the progress in the taskbar:


Here is an example with Paint.NET instead:


I think this feature would use fewer CPU resources than a) minimizing/maximizing the whole application window each time you want to check progress, or b) hovering the mouse over the taskbar button to show the thumbnails.

333User interfaceFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLowMake text in "about" alt+b dialog selectable with the m...Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

When you press alt+b or access the “about” dialog in the Help menu it displays some text including software version number and list of contributors.

It would be nice to be able to select and copy this text using this mouse. Sometimes in the newsgroup I have to tell people what version of POVray I am using, and typing the version number can be a pain.

334Texture/Material/FinishFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLowHLS colorsTracked on GitHub
Task Description

It would be nice to be able to specify colors in HLS as well as RGB.

Currently, you can use a macor to convert individual colors. But this does not work in color_maps where you want smooth gradations/interpolations between two or several colors.

20User interfaceFeature Request3.70 beta 32Very LowVery Lowrender window behaviorTracked on GitHub
Task Description

When changing the behavior of the render window, “Keep above main”, requires restarting the POV editor to take effect. It would be nice either to get a warning to restart, or to get it to work without restarting.

 30 Parser/SDLFeature RequestNot applicableDeferVery Low Custom progress information during parsing Closed
Task Description

For some particularly “heavy” SDL scripts, it might be desirable to override (or complement) the standard “Parsing 47110815K tokens” progress information with some more helpful custom info, e.g. “Planting trees... (37%)”, or “Generating terrain mesh row 47 of 500”.

 84 Parser/SDLFeature RequestNot applicableDeferVery Low A for-loop construct Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

Many people clearly miss a simple for-loop construct in povray. It is indeed true that probably at least 99% of #while loops out there have the form of a simple for-loop. It’s much rarer to have to use more exotic forms of looping supported by the #while mechanism. Thus it would make sense if a #for construct would be added which would make writing such loops much easier and convenient.

The only remaining question would be the syntax.

IMO the for-loop construct should implicitly declare a local variable of a specified name, automatically increment it during the loop, and then undefine it after the loop ends. It could perhaps be something along the lines of:

#for(<identifier name>, <initial value>, <final value> [, <step>])
  <loop body>


#for(Counter, 1, 10) // 'Counter' gets values 1, 2, 3, ..., 10
  #debug concat(str(Counter, 0, 0), "\n")
#for(Counter, 1, 10, 3) // 'Counter' gets values 1, 4, 7, 10
  #debug concat(str(Counter, 0, 0), "\n")

I think this syntax ought to be relatively easy to implement (compared to more “traditional” syntaxes, such as something like “for Counter = 1 to 10” or the C syntax, which would be a lot more complicated).

Of course this raises a couple of questions:

1) What happens if ‘Counter’ was already declared as an identifier? One of three possibilities comes to mind:

  • The ‘Counter’ in the for-loop replaces the previous identifier, as a regular #local command would.
  • The ‘Counter’ in the for-loop hides the identifier for the duration of the loop, and unhides it afterwards.
  • A syntax error is given (ie. the identifier name must be unused).

2) Should the user be able to modify the counter variable from inside the body of the loop? Something like this comes to mind as viable:

// Prints the values 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10
#for(Counter, 1, 10)
  #debug concat(str(Counter, 0, 0), "\n")
  #if(Counter = 3) #local Counter = 8; #end

Alternatively the counter variable could be read-only.

Additionally, it could be nice if #break could be used to immediately jump out of the current loop (either #while or #for).

86Parser/SDLFeature RequestNot applicableDeferVery LowAdd support for more RNG typesTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

The current 32-bit linear congruential generator used as RNG in POV-Ray is sometimes quite limited for some purposes and in a few cases its poor quality shows up (as has been demonstrated more than once in the newsgroup). Thus it would be nice if POV-Ray offered additional, higher-quality random number generators, besides the current one (which should probably remain for backwards compatibility). These RNGs could include algorithms like the Mersenne Twister and the ISAAC RNG, both of which have very decent quality and have an enormous periods (while at the same time being very fast).

After a long discussion, the following syntax for specifying the RNG type and seed (which may be larger than 32 bits) has been suggested:

seed(<value>) | seed(<type>, <value> [, <values>])

For example:

#declare Seed1 = seed(123); // Use the current RNG, with seed 123
#declare Seed2 = seed(1, 123); // Identical to the previous one
#declare Seed3 = seed(2, 456, 789, 123); // Use RNG algorithm #2,
                                         // with a large seed (96 bits specified here)

A C++ implementation of the ISAAC RNG can be found at http://warp.povusers.org/IsaacRand.zip

87Geometric PrimitivesFeature RequestNot applicableDeferVery LowAdd new feature: Reference objectTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

When you instantiate an object several times, eg:

object { MyObj translate -x*10 }
object { MyObj translate x*10 }

POV-Ray will copy that object in memory, at least for most types of objects. Not for all of them, though. Most famously if MyObj is a mesh, it won’t be copied, but only a reference to the original will be used, thus saving memory. (There are a few other primitives which also don’t cause a copy, such as bicubic_patch and blob, but those are naturally not so popular as mesh, so it’s a less known fact.)

AFAIK the reason why referencing (rather than copying) is not used for all types of objects is rather complicated, and mostly related to how transformations are applied to these objects. For example if the object being instantiated is a union, the translates above will be (AFAIK) applied to the individual members of the union rather than to the union object itself.

Copying, however, can be quite detrimental in some situations. For example if you have a huge union, and you want to instantiate it many times, the memory usage will be that many times larger (compared to just one instance). This is sometimes something which the user would not want, even if it made the rendering slightly slower as a consequence. (In other words, better to be able to render the scene in the first place, rather than running out of memory.)

Redesigning POV-Ray so that all objects would be referenced rather than copied would probably be a huge job, and in some cases a questionable one. There probably are situations where the current method really produces faster rendering times, so redesigning POV-Ray so that it would always reference instead of copy, could make some scenes render slower.

So this got me thinking about an alternative approach: How hard would it be to create a special object which sole purpose is to act as a reference to another object, without copying it? This special reference object would act as any regular object, would have its own transformation matrix and all that data related to objects, but its sole purpose is to simply be a “wrapper” which references an existing object. It could be, for example, like this:

object_ref { MyObj translate -x*10 }
object_ref { MyObj translate x*10 }

The end result would be exactly identical as earlier, but the difference is that now MyObj behaves in the same way as a mesh (in the sense that it’s not instantiated twice, but only once, even though it appears twice in the scene), regardless of what MyObj is.

In some cases this might render slightly slower than the first version (because POV-Ray has to apply the transformations of the object_ref first, after which it applies whatever transformations are inside MyObj), but that’s not the point here. The point is to save memory if MyObj is large.

An object_ref would behave like any other object, so you could do things like:

#declare MyObjRef = object_ref { MyObj };

object { MyObjRef translate -x*10 }
object { MyObjRef translate x*10 }

(The only thing being instantiated (and copied) here is the “MyObjRef” object, not the object it’s referring to, so that actual object is still stored in memory only once.)

In some situations it might even be so that referenced objects actually render faster than if the objects were copied because references increase data locality, lessening cache misses.

I believe this could be a rather useful feature and should be seriously considered, unless there are some major obstacles in implementing it.

 124 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low variable number of parameters in macros Closed
Future release Task Description

Many programming languages support an indeterminate number of parameters in functions/macros.

JavaScript for instance supports an “arguments” object.

Lua for instance supports the “args” object.

I would like to see that added to POV as well.

Here’s an JavaScript example:

function ArgTest(a, b){
   var i, s = "The ArgTest function expected ";
   var numargs = arguments.length;     //Get number of arguments passed.
   var expargs = ArgTest.length;       //Get number of arguments expected.
   if (expargs < 2)
      s += expargs + " argument. ";
      s += expargs + " arguments. ";
   if (numargs < 2)
      s += numargs + " was passed.";
      s += numargs + " were passed.";
   s += "\n\n"
   for (i =0 ; i < numargs; i++){      //Get argument contents.
   s += "  Arg " + i + " = " + arguments[i] + "\n";
   return(s);                          //Return list of arguments.
 125 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowVery Low System variable to track whether a file has been includ ...Closed
Task Description

Request a system variable to test whether a scene file has been included by another scene file.

For instance:

#if (is_included)
  camera {...}
129Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery LowHash arraysTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Currently, array items may only be referenced by their index number (an integer). It would be nice to also be able to assign string values as array indexes, as in other scripting languages.

133Geometric PrimitivesFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery LowSubdivision supportTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Someone built a version of Povray with internal support for automatic subdivision of meshes. See:


Would like to see this feature added natively to Povray.

 136 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low String concatenation operator Closed
Task Description

Using the concat function is tedious. Why not just have an operator with which to concatenate strings?

“Hello " + “world!”

“Hello " . “world!”

 160 OtherFeature RequestAllVery LowVery Low Parallel GPU processing support Closed
Task Description

...for instance nVidia’s CUDA architecture, discussed here and other places.

General consensus is that it’s not worth the effort if only a partial set of POV-Ray’s features are possible.

242OtherFeature RequestAllDeferVery LowAlgorithm to fix the so-called shadow line artifactTracked on GitHub
Task Description

The so-called shadow line artifact (http://wiki.povray.org/content/Knowledgebase:The_Shadow_Line_Artifact) which affects objects with a ‘normal’ statement as well as smooth meshes and heightfields can be really annoying sometimes. Currently the only way to remove it is to make the object shadowless, which isn’t a good solution except in very special cases.

This algorithm could remove the artifact: If the actual normal vector of the object points away from the light source (its dot-product with the light vector is negative) but the perturbed normal points towards it (dot-product positive), then ignore the first shadow-test intersection with the object itself.

There are alternative ways of implementing an equivalent functionality:

- Don’t check the condition (if it’s too difficult to check due to how the code is designed) but always ignore the first intersection with the objects itself. This will work properly with closed surfaces but not with open ones, so it might need to be a feature for the user to turn on with a keyword (similar to eg. ‘double_illuminate’).

- Alternatively, don’t ignore the first intersection, but instead ignore the “opposite side” of the object’s surface (again, possibly only if a keyword has been specified). In other words, if we are rendering the outer side of the object, ignore its inner side when shadow-testing, and vice-versa.

- Perhaps simply add a feature to make surfaces one-sided (similarly to how they can be made so in OpenGL and similar scanline rendering systems). In other words, the inner side of a surface is completely ignored everywhere, making the object virtually invisible from the inside. The advantage of this feature would be that it can have uses other than simply removing the shadow line artifact.

272OtherFeature Request3.70 RC6DeferVery LowMinor change, significant speedup in cubic polynomial s...Tracked on GitHub
3.71 release Task Description

While familiarizing myself with the code, I found some small changes in the solve_cubic function that lead to a significant speedup.

In my experience, “pow” is by far the slowest function in math.h and replacing it with simpler functions usually makes a tremendous impact on the speed (it’s an order of magnitude slower than sqrt/exp/cbrt/log).

solve_cubic has a “pow” function that can be replaced by cbrt (cubic root), which is standard in ISO-C99 and should be available on all systems. Separate benchmarks of solve_cubic function show this change almost doubles the speed and does not lower the accuracy. As solve_cubic is part of the solution of quartic equation, this improves the speed for many primitives. Testing with a scene containing many torus intersection tests (attached below) I still observed almost 10% speedup (Intel, 4 threads, 2 hyperthreaded cores, antialiasing on, 600×600: from 91 to 84 seconds). And this is for a torus, where a lot of time is spent in the solve_quartic and cubic solver is only called once! Similar speedup should be expected for prism, ovus, sor and blob.

I do believe the cubic solver can be done without trigonometry, but that would mean changing the algorithm, introducing new bugs and requiring a lot of testing. However, the trigonometric evaluation can still be simplified (3% speedup in full torus benchmark).

These changes don’t affect the algorithm at all, they are mathematically identical to the existing code, so the changes can be applied immediately. I also included other changes just as suggestions. Every change is commented and marked with [SC 2.2013].

This sadly does not speedup the sturm solver, which uses bisection and regula-falsi and looks very optimized already.

The test scene I used has a lot of torus intersections from various directions (shadow rays, main rays, transmitted rays).

300OtherFeature Request3.70 RC7DeferVery LowReference Documentation SupportTracked on GitHub
Task Description

As emerged as an idea during the discussion of FS#299, an SDL / POV-Ray editor feature would be useful that allows API documentation via formal comments, e.g. in include files:

 * Creates a car object.
 * @param a
 *        description of param a
 * ...
#macro car(a,b,c)

In addition to the ability of (auto-)generating a documentation file from such comments, an editor window feature would be convenient that allows popup display of a macro’s (object’s / parameter’s / ...) documentation section.

 24 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowCritical isosurface, bounding box & threads Closed
3.70 beta 33 Task Description

Linux beta 32, 64bits, compiled from sources.

povray -w800 -h600 +a0.3 +kfi1 +kff78
-Ii_internal.pov +WT5 +R4 +AM1 +MB1

Important issue: +WT5 +MB1

Seems Fine for +WT1 +MB1
Also fine for +WT5 +MB9

The intersection with the containing box displays some two-shades of grey
random checkered patterns.
Size of square looks like size of renderering thread. Position too.

Impacted frames (of 78):
01, 02, 03, 30, 48, 74, 76.

 51 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowCritical POV-Ray crashes hard on missing parenthesis Closed
3.70 beta 35 Task Description

The following (bogus) SDL code causes POV-Ray 3.7 beta to crash hard with an access violation:

#include "fubar.inc"
#macro FooBar() #end
#macro Foo(Fnord) #end
#macro Bar(Ignord) Foo(23 #end
 104 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37MediumCritical Output file gamma broken for File_Gamma=1.0 Closed
3.70 beta 37a Task Description

Setting File_Gamma=1.0 produces unexpectedly bright output files for most output file formats, as if File_Gamma was set to 2.2 instead.

The underlying problem is a bug that, when File_Gamma is set to exactly 1.0, causes the encoding gamma function to be undefined, which was not meant to happen in current versions, and instead was reserved for future versions to signal that a file-format-specific default encoding gamma should be used. The image file output handlers already support this, most of them choosing the sRGB transfer function, giving roughly the same output as setting File_Gamma=2.2.

As a preliminary workaround, users may want to set File_Gamma=1.02 (any value smaller than 0.99 or greater than 1.01 should do).

 218 Sample scenesDefinite Bug3.70 RC3Very LowCritical Benchmark must be updated to not reference a #local arr ...Closed
Task Description

Lines 1217, 1241 and 1242 of benchmark.cpp must be change to use #declare instead of local for A and its elements.
(because A is returned by the macro)

	"#macro L_GetVN(ResSpl)\n"
	"   #local I = 0;\n"
	"   #declare A = array[ResSpl+1][2]\n"                      //  <============== this is line 1217
	"   #while (I<=ResSpl)\n"
	"      #local P0 = 0+<FnA(I/ResSpl), I/ResSpl, 0>;\n"
	"      #if (P0.x=0 & P0.z=0)\n"
	"         #local P0 = <1e-25,P0.y,1e-25>;\n"
	"      #end\n"
	"      #if (I=0)\n"
	"         #local P1 = 0+<FnA(((I-0.5)/ResSpl)), I/ResSpl, 0>;\n"
	"         #local P2 = 0+<FnA(((I+0.5)/ResSpl)), I/ResSpl, 0>;\n"
	"      #else\n"
	"         #local P1 = P2;\n"
	"         #local P2 = 0+<FnA(((I+0.5)/ResSpl)), I/ResSpl, 0>;\n"
	"      #end\n"
	"      #local P3 = vrotate(P0,<0,1,0>);\n"
	"      #local P4 = vrotate(P0,<0,-1,0>);\n"
	"      #local B1 = P4-P0;\n"
	"      #local B2 = P2-P0;\n"
	"      #local B3 = P3-P0;\n"
	"      #local B4 = P1-P0;\n"
	"      #local N1 = vcross(B1,B2);\n"
	"      #local N2 = vcross(B2,B3);\n"
	"      #local N3 = vcross(B3,B4);\n"
	"      #local N4 = vcross(B4,B1);\n"
	"      #local N = vnormalize((N1+N2+N3+N4)*-1);\n"
	"      #declare A[I][0] = P0;\n"                               // <============== this is line 1241
	"      #declare A[I][1] = N;\n"
	"      #local I = I+1;\n"
	"   #end\n"
	"   A\n"

Same update should also be reported into the distributed scene benchmark.pov

 48 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite BugAllLowHigh CSG bounding box computation broken with shearing trans ...Closed
Task Description

Bounding box computation for CSG intersection appears to be broken when one member is an arbitrarily transformed plane.

POV-Ray 3.6.2 has the same problem (can’t test for 3.6.1).

// +W640 +H480 +MB1

#include "transforms.inc"

camera {
  location  <-0.2, 0.5, -4.0>
  direction 1.5*z
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

light_source {
  <0, 0, 0>            // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb <1, 1, 1>  // light's color
  translate <-30, 30, -30>

plane {
  y, -1
  pigment { color rgb <0.7,0.5,0.3> }

intersection {
  sphere {
    0.0, 1 }
  plane { -x, 0 transform { Shear_Trans(x,y+x*0.3,z) } }
  texture {
    pigment {
      frequency 8
      color_map {
        [0.00 color rgb <1.0,0.4,0.2> ]
        [0.33 color rgb <0.2,0.4,1.0> ]
        [0.66 color rgb <0.4,1.0,0.2> ]
        [1.00 color rgb <1.0,0.4,0.2> ]
      specular 0.6
  rotate -y*5
 59 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 34Very LowHigh Cone intersection test broken Closed
3.70 beta 35 Task Description

The following scene, showing an almost cylindrical cone floating above a plane, renders fine in POV 3.6.2, but is obviously broken in 3.7.0.beta.34:

camera {
  right     x
  up        y*image_height/image_width
  location  <80,50,40>
  look_at   <0,0,0>

light_source { <500,500,500> color rgb 1 }

cone {
  <0,0,30>, 11.303000, <0,0,-30>, 11.302999
  texture { pigment { color rgb 1 } }

plane { y, -20 texture { pigment { color rgb 0.3 } } }

The error occurs even with the -MB option, indicating that the problem has nothing to do with bounding, but is in the cone intersection testing code.

 77 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 35Very LowHigh Cone is not on good place when first base point is lowe ...Closed
Task Description

Cone is not on good place when first base point is lower then end cap point.

cone { <0, 0, 0>, 2, <0, 1, 0>, 1 } - good
cone { <0, 0, 0>, 1, <0, 1, 0>, 2 } - bad

This is on 3.7 beta 35 version.

 92 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36LowHigh Sphere_Sweep Bug Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

This item may need to be merged with item FS#81. This is another sphere sweep bug, though they are of different spline types.

The code is

#include "colors.inc"

camera {
  location  <0, 0.0, -4.0>
  direction 1.5*z
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>

light_source {
  <0, 0, 0>            // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb <1, 1, 1>  // light's color
  translate <-30, 30, -30>

#declare i_start = 0;
#declare i_stop = 3;
#declare i_step = 0.05;
#declare i_inc = i_start;
sphere_sweep {
  linear_spline                 // linear curve

  (i_stop - i_start)/i_step + 1,    // number of specified sphere positions
  #declare y_coor = 0.23*sin(7.1*i_inc);
  <i_inc, y_coor, 0>, 0.05
        #declare i_inc = i_inc + i_step;

pigment{color Orange}


 94 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowHigh Unexpected refraction angle in interfaces with changing ...Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

I’ve tried to model this setup:
http://kschwebke.webng.com/povray/ior-interfaces/drawing.png with the following SDL:

A small overlap between the two transparent solids is needed, because a gap
would lead to total reflection. The camera in the test scene looks in the
direction of the ray in the setup drawing. The setup is surrounded with angular
markers, so one can easily read the final resulting looking angle.

POV-Ray 3.6.1 renders the expected result (~53° in the center of the screen):

POV-Ray 3.7.0b35a (compiled Unix source) renders a different
(and in my opinion wrong) angle (~67°), however – for the very same scene file:

I’ve started a discussion about this issue in povray.beta-test: http://news.povray.org/povray.beta-test/thread/%3Cweb.4bba4677730ab9f3e8c084b40%40news.povray.org%3E/

All linked documents are also attached.

 95 PhotonsDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36LowHigh Photons are over-attenuated by semi-transparent surface ...Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

The code to attenuate transmitted photons according to surface texture was apparently duplicated during refactoring of the source code for version 3.7. Behavior has changed from 3.6 to 3.7 (beta.36) accordingly, as can be demonstrated with the following scene:

global_settings {
  assumed_gamma 1.0
  max_trace_level 10
  photons { spacing 0.02 }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,2.6,-10>
  look_at   <0,0.75,0>

light_source {
  color rgb 1.3
  photons {
    refraction on
    reflection on

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

plane {
  y, 0
  texture { pigment { color rgb <1.0, 0.8, 0.6> } }

#declare M_Glass=
material {
  texture {
    pigment {rgbt 1}
    finish {
      ambient 0.0
      diffuse 0.05
      specular 0.6
      roughness 0.005
      reflection { 0.1, 1.0 fresnel on }
  interior {
    ior 1.5
    fade_power 1001
    fade_distance 0.9
    fade_color <0.5,0.8,0.6>

#declare M_PseudoGlass2=
material {
  texture {
    pigment {rgbf <0.8,0.2,0.2,0.8>}
    finish {
      ambient 0.0
      diffuse 0.05
      specular 0.6
      roughness 0.005
      reflection { 0.1, 1.0 fresnel on }
  interior {
    ior 1.0

sphere {
  <1.1,1,-1.3>, 1
  material { M_Glass }
  photons {
    target 1.0
    refraction on
    reflection on

box {
  <2.4,0,-2.3>, <2.6,4,0.3>
  material { M_PseudoGlass2 }
  photons { target 1.0 refraction on reflection on }

 113 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37aLowHigh Multi-layered reflections broken Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

Reflections in multi-layered textures are broken in 3.7 betas, as can be demonstrated with the following scene showing two reflective hemispheres on a checkered plane:

camera {
  location  <1.0, 0.5, -4.0>
  direction 1.5*z
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

light_source {
  <0, 0, 0>            // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb <1, 1, 1>  // light's color
  translate <-30, 30, -30>

default {
 finish { diffuse 0 ambient 0 specular 0 }

// ----------------------------------------

plane {               // checkered floor
  y, -1
    pigment { checker color rgb 1 color blue 1 }
    finish{ diffuse 0.8 ambient 0.1 }

// left hemisphere
intersection {
  sphere { 0, 1 }
  plane { x, -0.002 }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.5 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.4 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.1 } }

// right hemisphere
intersection {
  sphere { 0, 1 }
  plane { -x, -0.002 }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 1.0 } }

Note that the reflection parameters of the left, multi-layered hemisphere sum up to 1.0, i.e. the same value as used in the single layer in the right hemisphere.

The first attached file (test_3.6.2.png), rendered with POV-Ray 3.6.2, shows the expected output: Both hemispheres appear to have the same reflectivity.

The second attached file (test_3.7.0.beta37a.png), rendered with POV-Ray 3.7.0.beta.37a, shows a much brighter left (multi-layered) sphere.

As it turns out, in order to get the expected result with POV-Ray 3.7.0.beta.37a, the reflectivity of each layer must be divided by 3, 2 and 1, respectively (which obviously does not sum up to 1.0):

  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.5 / 3 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.4 / 2 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.1 / 1 } }
 179 Runtime errorDefinite Bug3.70 beta 40Very LowHigh unix version segfaults when $HOME not set Closed
3.70 beta 41 Task Description

unixoptions.cpp has a getenv(”HOME”) that does an assignment without checking to see if getenv returns NULL.

This causes an immediate and unceremonious segfault in those situations where $HOME is not set such as in the case where povray is launched by a daemon.

Best solution might be to set the home to /tmp and print a warning message about $HOME not being set.

 180 Runtime errorDefinite Bug3.70 beta 40Very LowHigh lseek64(fileno(fd), ...) is not the same as fseek64(fd, ...Closed
3.70 RC1 Task Description

FileBackedPixelContainer uses a FILE* to manage the backing store and under Linux/Unix defines fseek64 to be a kind of incantation of lseek64.

Since fseek64 and fseek64 have return values that are logical opposites this causes an exception to be thrown.

Moreover since the buffer size on a FILE is quite a bit smaller than a line of pixels (in terms of bytes), mostly what’s being done in this function is a lot of sloshing of bytes that don’t do much... which is to say that the intended caching mechanism is getting a very low hit rate now that povray is working in 32×32 pixel per-thread chunks.

The cache miss problem and the volume of bytes read/written grows exponentially as the size of the image grows.

Attached is a replacement function that seems to be working well and should produce a performance increase even under Windows. I originally went with simply fixing the fseek/lseek problem but saw a 10% decrease in render time on 2048×1024-sized images when I made the cache target smaller.

 182 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 40LowHigh multi-textured blobs in intersections / differences bro ...Closed
3.70 beta 41 Task Description

Multi-textured blobs are broken with 3.7 beta 40 when used inside an intersection, as can be demonstrated by the following scene:

#default { texture { pigment { rgb 1 } } }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,1.5,-4>
  look_at   <0,1,0>

light_source { <500,500,-500> color rgb 1 }

difference { blob {
  threshold 0.6
  sphere { < 0.75,   0,    0>, 1, 1 texture { pigment { color red 1 } } }
  sphere { <-0.375,  0.65, 0>, 1, 1 texture { pigment { color green 1 } } }
  sphere { <-0.375, -0.65, 0>, 1, 1 }
} }

With POV-Ray 3.7.0 beta 40, the entire blob is rendered with the default texture.

The same problem can be seen with “difference” or “merge” instead of “intersection”.

Omitting the CSG “envelope”, using “union”, or assigning the blob to a variable first and then using it inside an intersection, will yield the expected result.

POV-Ray 3.62 renders all variants as expected.

According to initial analysis, the problem appears to be caused by the dual use of the “MULTITEXTURE_FLAG”, which is used in CSG to indicate use of the “cutaway_textures” feature, and in blobs to indicate per-element texturing. (The same flag is also used in meshes to indicate per-face or per-vertex texturing, so similar problems are to expected there.)

My proposal is to use an entirely separate flag for the “cutaway_textures” feature (the blob and mesh can safely continue to share the MULTITEXTURE_FLAG).

 188 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 RC1LowHigh no_reflection broken Closed
3.70 RC2 Task Description

I rendered attached .pov file with both 3.62 and 3.7RC1, and got different output between them.
In 3.7RC1, it looks like no_reflection option of the black sphere doesn’t work.

 192 Image formatDefinite Bug3.6Very LowHigh png-1.5 breaks povray 3.6 Closed
Task Description

Trying to build povray-3.6 against png-1.5 fails spectacularly.

.../include/png.h:666: error: forward declaration of ‘struct png_info_def’ png_pov.cpp:1405: error: invalid use of undefined type ‘struct png_info_def’

appears a lot in the output.

The problem is that png-1.5 hides structure members from public view.

Note, this is not the same problem as  FS#144 .

 208 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 RC3LowHigh Use-after-free when returning local function or spline  ...Closed
3.70 RC4 Task Description
#macro A()
  #local foo = function { x }

#local bar = A();

This causes either a segfault, corruption detected by malloc, or “Parse Error: Unknown user defined function”.

After some debugging I think this is what happens.

In source/backend/parser/parse.cpp, Parser::Parse_RValue is called to define the value of bar. Get_Token is called, which invokes A() and which ultimately returns foo as a FUNCT_ID_TOKEN. This token is handled by CASE_VECTOR in Parse_RValue. The relevant clause calls Parse_Unknown_Vector to parse additional tokens (e.g. “foo ( 1 )”). There aren’t any other tokens, but in the process of determining that, #end is reached and Return_From_Macro destroys the symbol table of A, including foo.

So by the time the CASE_VECTOR clause decides that foo is a function identifier that should be copied, the function is destroyed (both the function itself and its number in the symbol table). So here:

    Temp_Data  = (void *) Copy_Identifier((void *)*Token.DataPtr,*Token.NumberPtr);

if *Token.DataPtr (in this case, a function index) was already overwritten, we get “Unknown user defined function”; if it still has the valid function number, it increments the reference count of the function (which has already been freed) back from 0, and we get a double-free later.

A similar problem occurs when foo is a spline.

A tentative patch for the function case is attached.

 235 Platform-specificDefinite Bug3.70 RC3Very LowHigh Segmentation fault with animation of large image Closed
Task Description

Hopefully platform specific, other ports are welcome to check their scaling code.

Reported originally in p.beta-test (28 january 2012) by Cousin Ricky (email dropped)

Symptom: crash on start of second frame rendering
Environment: Unix, with display of rendered picture, rendered picture does not fit at 1:1 on the display

Demo (adjust the H/W to your setting to get them larger, both or any of them):

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
light_source { <-1, 1, -1> * 1000, rgb 1 }
sphere { 2.5 * z, 1 pigment { red 1 } }

povray +H2000 +W2000 +KI0 +KF1 +KFI0 +KFF10 code.pov

 270 OtherDefinite Bug3.70 releaseMediumHigh render abort-continue (+C) sometimes skips blocks Closed
Task Description

When aborting a render when there are unfinished blocks among finished ones, under certain conditions some of those blocks are skipped when continuing the render later.

 283 OtherDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowHigh Transparent or semi-transparent background color comes  ...Closed
Task Description

When using the ‘background’ directive with a transparent color, for example:

  background { color rgbt <0, 0, 0, 1> }

the final image is still opaque (both the one displayed in the render window and the PNG actually saved to disk).

Expected behaviour is for it to be transparent.

 285 DocumentationDefinite BugNot applicableVery LowHigh wiki.povray.org is not editable Closed
Task Description

I cannot edit any pages on wiki.povray.org, even after confirming my e-mail address.

This means that I cannot add any documentation, help improve the documentation, fix errors or help in any other way.

If you want contributions to the documentation, you should let users edit pages.

 294 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowHigh Thread safety issue in functions using splines. 3.7.0.R ...Closed
3.70 release Task Description

Thread safety issue in functions using splines. 3.7.0.RC7.

First vetting in p.bugreports where several users were able to reproduce the fail on the following systems:

1) Ubuntu 12.1 i7 920 using 3.7.0.RC7
2) Ubuntu 12.04, AMD 2431 CPU, Linux 3.2.0-45 kernel using 3.7.0.RC7 (g++ 4.6 @x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
3) POV-Ray 3.7.0.RC7 (icpc 13.1.0 @x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz
 uname -or
 2.6.32-279.14.1.el6.x86_64 GNU/Linux
 lsb_release -irc
 Distributor ID: CentOS
 Release:        6.3
 Codename:       Final

4) Confirmed with openSUSE 12.2.
5) Just to add to the system list: with Windows and a core i7 one yields the same result.
6) “Le_Forgeron” ran under Intel Inspector (XE 2013) and provided this feedback :

  that might be less than 60 seconds, but with Intel Inspector (XE 2013),
 it becomes 42:50 (just 14 data races, oh well, that's just so friendly).
 ID  Type Sources Modules State
 P1  Data race isosurf.cpp; mutex.hpp povray New
 P2  Data race mutex.hpp; povms.cpp povray New
 P3  Data race povray.cpp povray New
 P4  Data race povray.cpp povray New
 P5  Data race mutex.hpp; pov_mem.cpp; splines.cpp povray New
 P6  Data race mutex.hpp; pov_mem.cpp; splines.cpp povray New
 P7  Data race mutex.hpp; pov_mem.cpp; splines.cpp povray New
 P8  Data race recursive_mutex.hpp; scene.cpp; task.cpp; taskqueue.cpp;
 view.cpp povray New
 P9  Data race condition_variable.hpp; vfe.cpp; vfesession.cpp povray New
 P10  Data race condition_variable.hpp; unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp
 povray New
 P11  Data race condition_variable.hpp; unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp
 povray New
 P12  Data race unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp; vfesession.h povray New
 P13  Data race unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp povray New
 P14  Data race [Unknown]; unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp
 libboost_thread.so.1.49.0; povray New
 Numbers 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 are related to the handling
 of session (and occur once or twice only, excepted #8, four times).
 Number 1 is about isosurface (adjusting gradient at isosurf.cpp:1099 vs
 1098 (testing its value), and copying the isosurface) (IMHO, rendering
 threads updating the object... not the best move without some
 atomic/protection (and not sure a DBL is/can be atomic)) (occurs 2505
 Number 5, 6 and 7 are about splines
 * sp->Cache_Type & Cache_Point, splines.cpp :803 vs :814/815 (2024 times)
 * sp->Cache_Valid, :805 vs :813 vs :904 (1770 times)
 * sp->Cache_Data, :807 vs :903 (5025 times)
 Only my 0.02¢ (yes, very cheap), but it seems to confirm

For test code see attached files or SplineThreadSafety.pov attachment to
p.bugreports and images were posted to p.b.images.

Issue shows up any time more than one thread is used. Use of AA tends to hide
the problem so do not use it if using the output image for testing.

Bill P.

306Subsurface ScatteringDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowHighfinish subsurface block before global_settings subsurfa...Tracked on GitHub
3.71 release Task Description

The following scene causes a crash:

sphere {
  <0,0,0>, 1
  finish { subsurface { translucency 1.0 } }

global_settings {
  subsurface { }
313RadiosityDefinite Bug3.70 releaseLowHighradiosity.cpp pov::RadiosityFunction::BeforeTile assert...Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

With 3.7.0 final, rendering attached files (for Computer Engineering college course),
which renders without issues in povray 3.6.1, fails with following error:

==== [Rendering...] ========================================================
povray: backend/lighting/radiosity.cpp:324: virtual void pov::RadiosityFunction::BeforeTile(int, unsigned int): Assertion `(pts >= PRETRACE_FIRST) && (pts <= PRETRACE_MAX)' failed.

Command line:

povray +K0.6500 \
+FN +Q9 +MB1 \
+W600 +H400 \
+AM1 +A0.0 +R2 \
+D +SP32 +EP4 \
+L/usr/share/povray-3.7/include \
+Imain.pov \

Using Arch Linux testing current:
Linux archmidi 3.12.0-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 6 09:06:27 CET 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Downstream bug report:

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