The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POV-Ray).

This is the legacy Bug Tracking System for the POV-Ray project. Bugs listed here are being migrated to our github issue tracker. Please refer to that for new reports or updates to existing ones on this system.

IDCategoryTask TypeReported InPrioritySeveritySummaryStatus  descProgressDue In Version
300OtherFeature Request3.70 RC7DeferVery LowReference Documentation SupportTracked on GitHub
Task Description

As emerged as an idea during the discussion of FS#299, an SDL / POV-Ray editor feature would be useful that allows API documentation via formal comments, e.g. in include files:

 * Creates a car object.
 * @param a
 *        description of param a
 * ...
#macro car(a,b,c)

In addition to the ability of (auto-)generating a documentation file from such comments, an editor window feature would be convenient that allows popup display of a macro’s (object’s / parameter’s / ...) documentation section.

303OtherDefinite Bug3.70 RC7DeferVery Lowwrong bit depth reported for OpenEXR file formatTracked on GitHub
Task Description

When using OpenEXR output file format, POV-Ray erroneously reports it as “24 bpp EXR” in the message output, while in fact it generates a 3×16 = 48 bpp file.

323User interfacePossible Bug3.70 releaseVery LowVery LowTooltip for render speed status bar has wrong unitTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Tooltip popup for render speed always displays as “Pixels per Second” rather than matching status bar. I’ve noticed it in 3 renders so far. Most of my renders are fast enough not to see any other unit besides PPS, but I should be able to reproduce again if necessary.

 331 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowMedium Intersection causes quadric to disappear Closed
Task Description

The following paraboloid renders correctly:

{ quadric { <1, 0, 1>, <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, -1 }
  cylinder { 0, y, 1 }

However, when I extend the clipping cylinder downward:

{ quadric { <1, 0, 1>, <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, -1 }
  cylinder { -y, y, 1 }

the object disappears completely in POV-Ray 3.7 and 3.7.1. In POV-Ray
3.6.1, it renders as expected.

POV-Ray 3.7.0.unofficial (self-compiled with g++ 4.8, but completely unaltered)
POV-Ray 3.7.1-alpha.8150025.unofficial
openSUSE 13.2 GNU/Linux

This scene file illustrates the problem:

// +w480 +h240
#version 3.6; //[sic]

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }

{ location <0, 1, -7.5958>
  look_at <0, 1, 0>
  right 2 * x
  up y
  angle 43.1038

#default { finish { diffuse 0.6 ambient rgb 0.15618 } }

{ <-4.3125, 9.6250, -7.4695>,
  rgb 6856.3
  fade_power 2 fade_distance 0.10417
  spotlight point_at <0, 1, 0> radius 45 falloff 90

{ -<9, 11, 9>, <9, 11, 9>
  pigment { rgb 1 }

{ y, 0
  pigment { checker rgb 0.05 rgb 1 }

{ quadric { <1, 0, 1>, <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, -1 }
  cylinder { 0, y, 1 }
  pigment { green 0.5 }
  translate <-1.25, 1, 0>

{ quadric { <1, 0, 1>, <0, 0, 0>, <0, 1, 0>, -1 }
  cylinder { -y, y, 1 }
  pigment { green 0.5 }
  translate <1.25, 1, 0>

On the right side, there should have been a cylinder capped with a paraboloid. A thread has been started in povray.bugreports. Jerome has started to look at it.

 259 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 RC6Very LowLow Stack Overflow with the write-directive with missing cl ...Closed
Task Description

As I posted yesterday to the POV bugreports, I observed a bug with the #write directive, having forgotten the closing bracket. I looked a little bit closer and found different behaviours of POV with different array sizes.

With ArrayDim=100 (please look at the attached SDL-code, which is reduced as much as possible and produces only the bug and no scene) one get the Parse Error: “Expected ‘string’, End of File found instead” and the last line is highlighted. With ArrayDim=1024 you get an Stack Overflow and POV crashes.

I observed this at two different core i7 windows machines. On one of them (16 GB RAM, if this is of importance) the threshold between both behaviours was between 300 and 400. Hope this helps.

Best regards,

 298 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow the warning for isosurface does not appears as often as ...Closed
Task Description

From synthetic post of Cousin Ricky in p.beta-test, 2013-06-24 circa 3:19 pm (MST)

William F Pokorny anonymous@anonymous.org wrote:
> It seems to be the case the gradient warnings are only generated if the
> isosurface is naked. If it is wrapped in an object as was the case with
> my thread safety example, we get no warnings.

Confirmed. If only I still had the concentration required to investigate
computer code.

#version 3.7;

#ifndef (MG) #declare MG = 40/9; #end
#ifndef (Naked) #declare Naked = no; #end

{ assumed_gamma 1
  radiosity {} //force isosurface calculations from all directions

light_source { <-3.3125, 7.6250, -5.7374>, rgb 1 }

{ location <0.0000, 1.0000, -5.6713>
  look_at <-0.7969, 1.2000, -0.0598>
  angle 10.7447

#include "functions.inc"

#if (Naked)
  { function { f_sphere (x, 0, z, (2660 - 40*y) / 9) }
    contained_by { box { <-80, 31, -24>, <-128, 56, 24> } }
    max_gradient MG
    pigment { rgb <1, 0.75, 0> }
    scale 1/128
    rotate -35 * x
    translate y
  #declare Test = isosurface
  { function { f_sphere (x, 0, z, (2660 - 40*y) / 9) }
    contained_by { box { <-80, 31, -24>, <-128, 56, 24> } }
    max_gradient MG
    pigment { rgb <1, 0.75, 0> }
    scale 1/128
    rotate -35 * x
    translate y
  object { Test }

On the command line, try:

declare=MG=1 declare=Naked=1


declare=MG=1 declare=Naked=0

To lose the warning, I had to declare the isosurface. Just wrapping the naked
isosurface in an object{} generated a warning.

Further analysis

isCopy seems to be intended to avoid displaying the same warning over
and over for the same isosurface (as duplicated isosurface indeed are
not copied but reference the same sub-structure).

#declare Ob = isosurface{...}; that’s not a copy
object {Ob ... }
that’s a copy

Previously (3.6.1) the warning was displayed at the destruction of the
isosurface (when the sub-structure was actually referenced by no one else)

if((Stage == STAGE_SHUTDOWN) && (mginfo->refcnt == 0))

In 3.7, isCopy was introduced with change 4707, 16th February 2009,
along with the change introducing means for objects to submit message on
It was reported in windows source with change 4714, 21th February 2009.

If the symptom “isosurface embbeded in object (CSG) does not show the
warning” is correct, it might be a “feature/bug”. The parser copied the
isosurface object and deleted the original before the render started.
When the render ends, it find only copies and because the refcnt is not
used anymore (for that purpose), it miss the last remaining true data to

Instead of isCopy, what about adding in mginfo a boolean
“printed_warning” (actual name should be more appropriate), set to false
on creation, and turn to true on the first call (instead of last for
3.6.1) of the warning displaying function (test for false, set to true
if false) ? (and dropping isCopy in the process)

For instance, i’m afraid the following sequence would fails with current

#declare Foo = isosurface{ ... };
#declare Bar = object { Foo ... };
#undef Foo;

(or any pop of #local context, such as building the isosurface via macro
or loop, or replacing the value of a previous #declare/#local )

 307 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow netpbm, ppm, read bug where first data byte CR char Closed
Task Description

I’ve recently been working with the netpbm ppm format and I have hit what I believe to be a bug in the way ppm files are read – very likely a bug in all netpbm formats. I am aware of the long standing povray issue with the netpbm file formats header where the height and width need to be on the same line as the magic number though that is not a requirement of the official format. This bug is different.

Namely in working with a larger number of ppm files I hit cases where a few would fail with the message : “Possible Parse Error: Unexpected EOF in PPM file” though the ppm files are fine. What is happening is that the first byte of data after the line feed (LF) (Ubuntu linux 12.04) happens to have a carriage return (CR) value.

The code which is set up to interpret the netpbm headers is reading a lines with “file→getline (line, 1024);” and this line reading code is pulling in the first byte of data with the CR value as part of the line. When the read by binary data, 8 or 16 bits at a time, starts, the povray read code is offset into the data by one byte too many.

The result from 10,000 meters, if input values were completely random file to file, would be netpbm read fails for size that make no sense in 1/256 files. In practice & depending on data some might never see fails while an unfortunate few might almost always fail.

I’d make some argument any CR following a LF character should not be pulled in as part of the line read even on windows/dos systems where CRLF is the usual line termination order. I think though the real fix is better netpbm header reading code which more strictly breaks apart the header on the first whitespace character doing the last depth break, aware of the file size, so it can decide what portion of any valid sequence of whitespce characters after the decimal depth value is data and not whitespace.

The attached tarball when unpacked has both a passing and failing case. To run “povray fails.pov” or “povray works.pov”. The only difference between the two ppm files if the fails.ppm data is all 0x0D while works.ppm data bytes are all 0x0C. The image rendered is meaningless.

Thanks for your time.
Bill P.

 317 PreviewDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowHigh problem with +D option at specific output file dimensio ...Closed
Task Description

Reported in p.beta-test by James Dietrich (2013-12-12)

when the display window must be scaled (because one or both dimensions are larger than the actual screen), the ratio of scale might be too large in some occasion, performing a memory corruption in two places and usually crashing povray.

How to reproduce, with a 1920×1080 display (or 1920×1200):

povray +W2596 +H1003 +Ispiral.pov +Ospiral.png +D

 238 Parser/SDLPossible Bug3.70 RC4Very LowHigh Error during #read causes file to be kept open Closed
3.70 RC7 Task Description

Consider the following script:

  #fopen F "foo.txt" read
  #read (F, Foo)
  #debug concat ("'", Foo, "'\n")
  #fclose F

Now assume that foo.txt erroneously contains unquoted text (which will result in a parse error):


When the error is reported, POV-Ray for Windows will helpfully open foo.txt, but any attempt to save a corrected version of foo.txt will fail until you exit the POV-Ray GUI, presumably because foo.txt is not properly closed by the parser.

 174 Setup/InstallDefinite Bug3.70 beta 39Very LowMedium I/O Restriction defaults not being properly set for POV ...Closed
3.70 RC7 Task Description

I/O Restriction defaults are not being properly set on a fresh install of POVWIN.

See this thread for more information.

 239 Setup/InstallDefinite Bug3.70 RC4Very LowMedium Owner and group of user's local configurations on insta ...Closed
Future release Task Description

I reinstall a system, (so ~/.povray was not existant), and then
installed povray from sources, as a normal user (excepted the
installation step):

$ ./configure ...
$ make
$ make check
$ sudo make install

I find these steps pretty much standard.

The problem I’m noticing is that the $HOME/.povray hierarchy get owned
by root (hey, it’s *MY* directory !). There is a chown in the Makefile
for the target files (povray.ini & povray.conf), as well as subtree but:

* povowner & povgroup are hard coded to 0 (I would expect a copy of the
owner & group of $HOME, wouldn’t I ?)

For getting povowner, I would suggest `stat -c “%u” $HOME`
For povgroup, `stat -c “%g” $HOME`

Are they portable enough ? (I could ask on Monday a Solaris system, but
I do not have bsd and the other flavours of unix)

(Stat is in section 1 of man, part of gnu coreutils, /usr/bin/stat)

Side note: This is fine to install for the local user, but new later
users could benefit also from a ~/.povray/3.7/ subtree ; what about also
filling the /etc/skel (when available) ? (and in /etc/skel, root owner
is fine!)

 43 EditorDefinite BugAllVery LowLow Commas in path name Closed
3.70 RC7 Task Description

In POV-ray 3.7 beta 33 under Windows XP, the editor’s MRU list incorrectly handles files that have a comma in the pathname. Only the part of the name before the comma appears on the MRU list, but the rest of the name is left off.
Consequently, the file cannot be reopened via the MRU list. The file is also not reopened on launch if pov was closed with the file open. This also occurs in 3.6.1, I haven’t tried it under 3.6.2 yet.

Interestingly enough, a quick peek in the registry shows that both 3.6 and 3.7
are saving the entire path name correctly under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\POV-Ray\v3.6\POV-Edit\Recent (or \v3.7\POV-Edit\Recent).

This seems to be limited strictly to the editor’s MRU list. The file can still be opened normally using the open dialog box. Calling POV-ray from the command line and using a file or path name with commas in it works correctly. Included files with commas in the path work correctly, and the Tools→Edit last rendered file/View last rendered file work correctly also.

To duplicate, save a file with a comma in the pathname (either in the directory
name or the filename itself). Close the file, then attempt to reopen it using the MRU list in the file menu.

 150 FrontendCompatibility Issue3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Windows file association problems (Win7 only??) Closed
Task Description

Windows allows you to associate programs with file extensions using the “Open with” file manager right-click menu extension.

I’m running Windows 7 64bit, and installed the 64 bit versions of 3.6.2 and the beta appropriately.

A couple of problems that I haven’t tested very thoroughly:

1. If you have both POV 3.6.2 and the beta installed at the same time, you can no longer using this dialog change the association to the beta once it has been created for 3.6.2. There’s no error or anything; it just opens the file inside 3.6.2 instead. Maybe because both versions appear as “POV-Ray for Windows” to this dialog? Would adding the version number to the name fix things? Anything I can do on my end of things to resolve this?

2. In POV-Ray 3.6.2, I can use this dialog to open *.inc, *.txt and other files in POV-Ray, but only if POV-Ray isn’t already running. If POV-Ray is already running I get an “Only /EDIT and /RENDER may be passed to previous instance” error. Files with the *.pov extension open properly regardless, without any error. I am unable to test this in the beta at the moment due to the first problem unfortunately. Could someone please test this with the beta and confirm whether the behavior also exists?

3. With the POV-Ray 3.7 beta, entering the following command in the command prompt results in the same error:

   "C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for Windows v3.7\bin\pvengine64.exe" "D:\Working\Povray\GearHead\LoadingScreen\btr_maanji.pov"

If I change it to the following it works however:

   "C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for Windows v3.7\bin\pvengine64.exe" /EDIT "D:\Working\Povray\GearHead\LoadingScreen\btr_maanji.pov"

Is this error/behavior really necessary? Would it be OK to instead change the behavior when the /EDIT flag is omitted in the
command-line such that the file is opened in the editor by default, without throwing an error?

 233 Parser/SDLPossible Bug3.70 RC3Very LowLow Picture index out of range. - Fatal error in renderer:  ...Closed
3.70 RC7 Task Description

As posted in povray.beta-test 2012-01-14 with the same subject.

OS Win7 32 bit

The following code fails with the following message:
Picture index out of range.
Picture index out of range.
Fatal error in renderer: Uncategorized error.
Render failed

The texture scale is relevant.

It does not fail in Pov 3.62
The image map can be downloaded from:


#version 3.7;

global_settings {
adc_bailout 0.0039
ambient_light rgb <1.000,1.000,1.000>
assumed_gamma 1.00
irid_wavelength rgb <0.250,0.180,0.140>
max_trace_level 5
number_of_waves 10
noise_generator 3
charset ascii

background { colour rgb <0.000,0.000,0.000> }

#declare Ring_Texture1 =
texture {
pigment {

 png "sat_ring_color.png"
 interpolate 2
 map_type 0
rotate    <90.000,90.000,0.000>


finish {

ambient     rgb <0.100,0.100,0.100>
brilliance  1.000
crand       0.000
diffuse     0.600
metallic    0.000
phong       0.000
phong_size  40.000
specular    0.000
roughness   0.050



#declare Camera0 =
camera {
location <3843.816,38.892,-2660.667>
up y
right 1.333*x
angle 33.000
sky ←0.004,1.000,0.002>
look_at < 0.449, 18.943, 0.102 >
} end Camera0 disc { Disc0
texture{ Ring_Texture1 }

  scale     <750.000000,750.000000,750.000000>      // Fails 32 bit

scale <800.000000,800.000000,800.000000> Fails 64 bit
scale <600.000000,600.000000,600.000000> does not fail
rotate <0.000000,0.000000,-20.000000>
translate ←3500.000000,900.000000,900.000000>
} end Disc0 camera{ Camera0 } ///

 234 FrontendDefinite Bug3.70 RC3Very LowLow The +GD flag does not work Closed
3.70 RC7 Task Description

The +GD flag gives me an “Invalid parameter” error, whether on the command line or in a .ini file.

Debug_File= still works.

I reported this in povray.beta-test, but did not receive a response.

The problem occurs in both Windows 7 and in Linux.

 249 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 RC6Very LowLow UTF-8 files with BOM not accepted Closed
3.70 RC7 Task Description

POV-Ray fails to accept UTF-8 encoded files with a leading Byte Order Mark.

According to the code it was intended to recognize a leading BOM (or, more precisely, leading non-ASCII code sequences) and automatically switch to UTF-8, so this must be considered a bug rather than a missing feature.

 266 FrontendDefinite Bug3.70 RC6Very LowLow command line options in ini files don't accept quoted s ...Closed
3.70 RC7 Task Description

Quoted strings as parameters to command-line options work on the command line but not in INI files; e.g.:


Root cause has already been identified (actually the problem was found during code inspection) and a fix is under way.

 294 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowHigh Thread safety issue in functions using splines. 3.7.0.R ...Closed
3.70 release Task Description

Thread safety issue in functions using splines. 3.7.0.RC7.

First vetting in p.bugreports where several users were able to reproduce the fail on the following systems:

1) Ubuntu 12.1 i7 920 using 3.7.0.RC7
2) Ubuntu 12.04, AMD 2431 CPU, Linux 3.2.0-45 kernel using 3.7.0.RC7 (g++ 4.6 @x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)
3) POV-Ray 3.7.0.RC7 (icpc 13.1.0 @x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu)

 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 0 @ 2.70GHz
 uname -or
 2.6.32-279.14.1.el6.x86_64 GNU/Linux
 lsb_release -irc
 Distributor ID: CentOS
 Release:        6.3
 Codename:       Final

4) Confirmed with openSUSE 12.2.
5) Just to add to the system list: with Windows and a core i7 one yields the same result.
6) “Le_Forgeron” ran under Intel Inspector (XE 2013) and provided this feedback :

  that might be less than 60 seconds, but with Intel Inspector (XE 2013),
 it becomes 42:50 (just 14 data races, oh well, that's just so friendly).
 ID  Type Sources Modules State
 P1  Data race isosurf.cpp; mutex.hpp povray New
 P2  Data race mutex.hpp; povms.cpp povray New
 P3  Data race povray.cpp povray New
 P4  Data race povray.cpp povray New
 P5  Data race mutex.hpp; pov_mem.cpp; splines.cpp povray New
 P6  Data race mutex.hpp; pov_mem.cpp; splines.cpp povray New
 P7  Data race mutex.hpp; pov_mem.cpp; splines.cpp povray New
 P8  Data race recursive_mutex.hpp; scene.cpp; task.cpp; taskqueue.cpp;
 view.cpp povray New
 P9  Data race condition_variable.hpp; vfe.cpp; vfesession.cpp povray New
 P10  Data race condition_variable.hpp; unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp
 povray New
 P11  Data race condition_variable.hpp; unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp
 povray New
 P12  Data race unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp; vfesession.h povray New
 P13  Data race unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp povray New
 P14  Data race [Unknown]; unixconsole.cpp; vfesession.cpp
 libboost_thread.so.1.49.0; povray New
 Numbers 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 & 14 are related to the handling
 of session (and occur once or twice only, excepted #8, four times).
 Number 1 is about isosurface (adjusting gradient at isosurf.cpp:1099 vs
 1098 (testing its value), and copying the isosurface) (IMHO, rendering
 threads updating the object... not the best move without some
 atomic/protection (and not sure a DBL is/can be atomic)) (occurs 2505
 Number 5, 6 and 7 are about splines
 * sp->Cache_Type & Cache_Point, splines.cpp :803 vs :814/815 (2024 times)
 * sp->Cache_Valid, :805 vs :813 vs :904 (1770 times)
 * sp->Cache_Data, :807 vs :903 (5025 times)
 Only my 0.02¢ (yes, very cheap), but it seems to confirm

For test code see attached files or SplineThreadSafety.pov attachment to
p.bugreports and images were posted to p.b.images.

Issue shows up any time more than one thread is used. Use of AA tends to hide
the problem so do not use it if using the output image for testing.

Bill P.

 308 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowMedium Heightfield computation from color (not palette) red/gr ...Closed
Task Description

Due to a recent thread in povray.general (7th September 2013), I dive
into the code of height field creation.

There is 2 TODO FIXME in source/backend/support/imageutil.cpp, for
image_height_at() (circa line 512)

The first one is about using the index of palette-image: As far as *257
would indeed perform a better job to cover the full range than *256, it
would break backward compatibility with previous versions of povray (3.6
included) which only promoted the index as the Most significant byte,
keeping the least one at 0.

But on the second one, the new formula is plain wrong: (r*255+g)*255
should be (r*256+g)*255.
In previous versions, r*255 was the Most significant byte, and g*255 was
the least one.
Ergo, the value was r*255*256 + g*255, which can and should be only
factored as (r*256+g)*255;

I know it is damn late in the release schedule, but can that be either
be fixed before final official delivery or a memo added to the release
note that it would be fixed later and backward-bug will not be
maintained for that specific point (using rgb-8 or less bit per
channel-image for height field)

(it was not bugged in 3.6.1 nor before, it’s just that tiny little bit
of 3.7 that would should that bug)

If you look carefully at the attached pictures (povray +I... +H700 +W700 +A0.01) of scene and scene36, there is a significant difference at the top.
With 3.6, it matched exactly (hence the noise on the top pixels row) the view.
With 3.7, it cannot reach the top and leave a white area
(another difference is the slope on the side are also a bit more lower with 3.7, easier to spot when alternating the display of both pictures)

If you want to regenerate hf.png, it was rendered with povray 3.7RC7, +W400 +H400 +A0.01 +Ihf.pov

The white line at the bottom is expected, as the minimal value of the height field is “full green”

 262 Setup/InstallDefinite Bug3.70 RC6Very LowLow sources are being compiled twice on Linux Closed
3.70 release Task Description

When running make on Linux, the backend source files (and possibly others?) are apparently compiled twice: first from the .../source/backend/ directory, and another time from the .../source/ directory. As an example, here are the corresponding lines for sphsweep.cpp:

g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../.. -I../.. -I../../source -I../../source -I../../source/base -I../../unix -I../../vfe 
-I../../vfe/unix -pthread -I/usr/include/OpenEXR    -pthread -I/usr/include  -pipe -Wno-multichar -Wno-write-strin
gs -fno-enforce-eh-specs -s -O3 -ffast-math -pthread -MT sphsweep.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/sphsweep.Tpo -c -o sphsweep.
o `test -f 'shape/sphsweep.cpp' || echo './'`shape/sphsweep.cpp
g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I..  -I.. -I../source/backend -I../source/base -I../source/frontend -I../unix -I../vfe -I.
./vfe/unix -pthread -I/usr/include/OpenEXR    -pthread -I/usr/include  -pipe -Wno-multichar -Wno-write-strings -fno
-enforce-eh-specs -s -O3 -ffast-math -pthread -MT sphsweep.o -MD -MP -MF .deps/sphsweep.Tpo -c -o sphsweep.o `test 
-f 'backend/shape/sphsweep.cpp' || echo './'`backend/shape/sphsweep.cpp

This is especially annoying on platforms that are rather slow at compiling.

 271 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 RC6DeferLow filter affects object's own brightness in an improper w ...Closed
3.70 release Task Description

The following scene has four spheres with different pigment color & filter settings:

- Left: filter 1
- Right: filter 0

- Top: red 0.0 green 0.5 blue 1.0
- Bottom: red 0.00 green 0.05 blue 0.10 (10% of the above)

Background is set to black, so that we only see the diffuse component of the object’s effective color.

Theoretically, both left spheres should be invisible, as they are fully transmissive (with a filtering effect), but apparently with a high filter setting, reducing an object’s pigment color actually increases the object’s effective diffuse color.

//+w600 +h600

global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

camera {
  location  <0,0,-10>
  right 4*x
  up 4*y
  look_at   <0,0,0>

light_source{<10,10,-10> color rgb 1 parallel }

background { color rgb 0 }

default {
  finish {
    ambient 0
    diffuse 1
    specular 0
    phong 0
    reflection { 0.0 }

sphere { <-1, 1, 0>, 0.8 texture { pigment { color rgb <0,0.5,1.0> filter 1.0 } } }
sphere { < 1, 1, 0>, 0.8 texture { pigment { color rgb <0,0.5,1.0> filter 0.0 } } }

sphere { <-1,-1, 0>, 0.8 texture { pigment { color rgb <0,0.5,1.0>*0.1 filter 1.0 } } }
sphere { < 1,-1, 0>, 0.8 texture { pigment { color rgb <0,0.5,1.0>*0.1 filter 0.0 } } }

This bug has been around in 3.6 already.

 274 Subsurface ScatteringDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow light source fading doesn't work properly with area_ill ...Closed
3.70 release Task Description

When using fade_distance and fade_power in combination with area_illumination, the light source fading is not applied to materials with subsurface scattering; see the following code for an example:

#version 3.7;
global_settings {
  assumed_gamma 1.0
  mm_per_unit 10
  subsurface { samples 200,20 }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  angle 30
  location  <0,1.5,-4>
  look_at   <0,0,0>

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

plane {
  y, 0
  texture {
    pigment {
      color rgb <1.0, 0.8, 0.6>
      color rgb <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>
      scale 0.5

light_source {
  color rgb 30
  area_light 5*x,5*y,17,17 adaptive 1 jitter circular orient
  area_illumination on
  fade_distance 10
  fade_power 2

cylinder {
  <0,0,0>, <0,0.2,0> 1
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish {
      ambient 0
      diffuse 0.7
      specular albedo 0.3
      reflection { 0.3 fresnel }
      subsurface { translucency 0.1 }
  interior { ior 1.5 }

sphere {
  <0,0.4,0>, 0.2
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb <1,0.6,0.0> }
    finish {
      ambient 0
      diffuse 0.0
      specular albedo 0.8 metallic
      reflection { 1.0 metallic }

 304 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow #for-loop may fail to perform last iteration Closed
3.70 release Task Description

Using an end value of 1048576 or larger in a #for loop will cause the last iteration to be skipped, as can be demonstrated by the following code:

#declare N = 2000000;
#debug concat(”N = “,str(N, 0,50),”\n”)
#debug concat(”N-5 = “,str(N-5,0,50),”\n\n”)
#for (I, N-5, N, 1)

#debug concat("I   = ",str(I,0,50),"\n")


(The limit was observed with a Win64 build; other builds may exhibit other limits or might even work fine, depending on the floating point engine used.)

As this limit is still far below the numeric precision limit, and a corresponding #while loop works fine with much higher values, this must be considered a bug rather than an inevitable limitation.

The bug can be tracked down to a faulty condition in tokenize.cpp, Parser::Parse_Directive(), CASE(END_TOKEN), case FOR_COND:

    if ( ((Step > 0) && (*CurrentPtr >= End + EPSILON)) ||
         ((Step < 0) && (*CurrentPtr <= End - EPSILON)) )

which should instead be:

    if ( ((Step > 0) && (*CurrentPtr > End + EPSILON)) ||
         ((Step < 0) && (*CurrentPtr < End - EPSILON)) )
 315 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow inverse keyword does not work properly with quadrics Closed
3.71 release Task Description

As the following scene demonstrates, the “inverse” keyword produces unexpected results with quadrics.

Left: a sphere primitive as reference
Right: a sphere-shaped quadric primitive (sphere-shaped)

Top: plain
Bottom: inverse

The objects are clipped in half to better demonstrate the effect. Regular texture is shown in white, interior_texture in red; the surface normal of a selected point (blue) as returned by trace() is shown in green.

Note how the sphere’s surface normal, as well as the textures, are flipped when “inverse” is used (this is the intended standard behaviour of all objects), while the quadric’s normal and textures erroneously remain uchanged.

// +w800 +h600

#version 3.7;

global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#default{ finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 specular 0.5 }} 

camera {
  angle 40
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,0,-10>
  look_at   <0,0,0>

light_source{ < 1000,3000,-3000> color rgb 1 }

background { color rgb 0.5 }

#declare T_White = texture { pigment { color rgb   1 } }
#declare T_Red   = texture { pigment { color red   1 } }
#declare T_Green = texture { pigment { color green 1 } }
#declare T_Blue  = texture { pigment { color blue  1 } }

#declare TopLeft     = sphere { 0, 1 }
#declare BottomLeft  = sphere { 0, 1 inverse }

#declare TopRight    = quadric { <1,1,1>, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, -1 }
#declare BottomRight = quadric { <1,1,1>, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, -1 inverse }

#macro Mac(Obj, P, D)
  union {
    #local N = <0,0,0>;
    #local O = <-0.6,0.4,-10>;
    #local Q = trace(Obj, O, D, N);
    #if (vlength(N) > 0)
      sphere { Q, 0.05 texture { T_Blue } }
      cylinder { Q, Q + N, 0.02 texture { T_Green } }
      cylinder { O, O + D*10000, 0.02 texture { T_Red } }
    object { Obj texture { T_White } interior_texture { T_Red } clipped_by { box { <-1,-1,-1>, <0,1,1> rotate y*30 } } }
    translate P

Mac(TopLeft,     <-1.2, 1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(TopRight,    < 1.2, 1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(BottomLeft,  <-1.2,-1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(BottomRight, < 1.2,-1.2, 0>, z)
 316 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow inverse keyword does not work properly with fractals Closed
3.71 release Task Description

As the following scene demonstrates, the “inverse” keyword produces unexpected results with fractals.

Left: a sphere primitive as reference
Right: a julia fractal

Top: plain
Bottom: inverse

The objects are clipped in half to better demonstrate the effect. Regular texture is shown in white, interior_texture in red; the surface normal of a selected point (blue) as returned by trace() is shown in green.

Note how the sphere’s surface normal, as well as the textures, are flipped when “inverse” is used (this is the intended standard behaviour of all objects), while the fractal’s normal and textures erroneously remain uchanged.

// +w800 +h600

#version 3.7;

global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#default{ finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 specular 0.5 }} 

camera {
  angle 40
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,0,-10>
  look_at   <0,0,0>

light_source{ < 1000,3000,-3000> color rgb 1 }

background { color rgb 0.5 }

#declare T_White = texture { pigment { color rgb   1 } }
#declare T_Red   = texture { pigment { color red   1 } }
#declare T_Green = texture { pigment { color green 1 } }
#declare T_Blue  = texture { pigment { color blue  1 } }

#declare TopLeft     = sphere { 0, 1 }
#declare BottomLeft  = object { TopLeft inverse }

#declare TopRight    = julia_fractal{ <-0.083,0.0,-0.83,-0.025> quaternion sqr max_iteration 8 precision 20 scale 0.9 }
#declare BottomRight = object { TopRight inverse }

#macro Mac(Obj, P, D)
  union {
    #local N = <0,0,0>;
    #local O = <-0.6,0.4,-10>;
    #local Q = trace(Obj, O, D, N);
    #if (vlength(N) > 0)
      sphere { Q, 0.05 texture { T_Blue } }
      cylinder { Q, Q + N, 0.02 texture { T_Green } }
      cylinder { O, O + D*10000, 0.02 texture { T_Red } }
    object { Obj texture { T_White } interior_texture { T_Red } clipped_by { box { <-2,-2,-2>, <0,2,2> rotate y*30 } } }
    translate P

Mac(TopLeft,     <-1.2, 1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(TopRight,    < 1.2, 1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(BottomLeft,  <-1.2,-1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(BottomRight, < 1.2,-1.2, 0>, z)
 318 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow method 3 (default) scattering media is too bright & cau ...Closed
3.71 release Task Description

The following scene demonstrates how media sampling method 3 gives inaccurate results with scattering media.

The scene shows four spheres with uniform media, using (left to right) sampling methods 1, 2 and 3 with default settings, and sampling method 3 with high minimum sample count, respectively.

Note how changing the sample count significantly affects the result, despite the media being uniform.

Code analysis shows that the root cause is an underestimation of the extinction effect on the light scattered by the media, corresponding in order of magnitude to half the distance between mandatory samples (as defined by minimum sample count).

The effect also leads to visible artifacts when nesting hollow objects inside the media, as can be demonstrated by un-commenting the four smaller spheres.

#version 3.7;

camera {
  perspective angle 25
  location  <0.0 , 0.0 ,-20.0>
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0>

light_source {
  <0,3000,-3000> color rgb 1

background { color rgb 0.5 }

plane {
  <0,1,0>, -1
  texture { pigment { checker color rgb<1,1,1>*1.2 color rgb<0.25,0.15,0.1>*0 } }

#declare T_Transparent = texture {
  pigment { color rgbt <1,1,1,1> } finish { diffuse 1 }

sphere { <-3,0,0>, 1.00 
  texture { T_Transparent }
  interior {
    media {
      scattering { 1 color rgb 2 extinction 1 }
      method 1

sphere { <-1,0,0>, 1.00 
  texture { T_Transparent }
  interior {
    media {
      scattering { 1 color rgb 2 extinction 1 }
      method 2

sphere { <1,0,0>, 1.00 
  texture { T_Transparent }
  interior {
    media {
      scattering { 1 color rgb 2 extinction 1 }
      method 3

sphere { <3,0,0>, 1.00 
  texture { T_Transparent }
  interior {
    media {
      scattering { 1 color rgb 2 extinction 1 }
      method 3
      samples 100

sphere { <-3,0,0>,0.8 texture { T_Transparent } hollow }
sphere { <-1,0,0>,0.8 texture { T_Transparent } hollow }
sphere { < 1,0,0>,0.8 texture { T_Transparent } hollow }
sphere { < 3,0,0>,0.8 texture { T_Transparent } hollow }
 336 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow #fopen w/o OPEN_TYPE crash povray (segfault) Closed
3.71 release Task Description

#fopen directive w/o OPEN_TYPE (yeah, I forgot it, some other languages have ‘read’ as default value)

expected behavior:
Parse error msg “line XXX, OPEN_TYPE missing in #fopen directive”, then stop.

observed behavior:
crash - Segfault err (core dump) in Parsing stage

minimal working example attached

 24 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowCritical isosurface, bounding box & threads Closed
3.70 beta 33 Task Description

Linux beta 32, 64bits, compiled from sources.

povray -w800 -h600 +a0.3 +kfi1 +kff78
-Ii_internal.pov +WT5 +R4 +AM1 +MB1

Important issue: +WT5 +MB1

Seems Fine for +WT1 +MB1
Also fine for +WT5 +MB9

The intersection with the containing box displays some two-shades of grey
random checkered patterns.
Size of square looks like size of renderering thread. Position too.

Impacted frames (of 78):
01, 02, 03, 30, 48, 74, 76.

 34 Configure/BuildPossible Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowCritical configure: error: Could not link against boost_thread-b ...Closed
3.70 beta 33 Task Description

I’ve been trying to upgrade povray 3.6.1 to 3.7-beta-32. I’ve configured with no additional arguments, and the configure dies with:

checking whether to build the boost thread library from sources... no
checking for boostlib >= 1.35... yes
checking whether the Boost::Thread library is available... yes
checking for exit in -lboost_thread... no
checking for exit in -lboost_thread-boost_thread... no
configure: error: Could not link against boost_thread-boost_thread !

I figured that the problem was with my boost installation (1.35) and upgraded boost to 1.39; the problem remains. I tried to see if exit was defined in libboost_thread and/or libboost_thread-boost_thread and it isn’t. Just to be sure that my currrent setup works for the released version, I rebuilt/reninstalled 3.6.1, which went without problem.

I’m on a slackware-12.2 box, using gcc-4.4.0.

 51 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowCritical POV-Ray crashes hard on missing parenthesis Closed
3.70 beta 35 Task Description

The following (bogus) SDL code causes POV-Ray 3.7 beta to crash hard with an access violation:

#include "fubar.inc"
#macro FooBar() #end
#macro Foo(Fnord) #end
#macro Bar(Ignord) Foo(23 #end
 104 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37MediumCritical Output file gamma broken for File_Gamma=1.0 Closed
3.70 beta 37a Task Description

Setting File_Gamma=1.0 produces unexpectedly bright output files for most output file formats, as if File_Gamma was set to 2.2 instead.

The underlying problem is a bug that, when File_Gamma is set to exactly 1.0, causes the encoding gamma function to be undefined, which was not meant to happen in current versions, and instead was reserved for future versions to signal that a file-format-specific default encoding gamma should be used. The image file output handlers already support this, most of them choosing the sRGB transfer function, giving roughly the same output as setting File_Gamma=2.2.

As a preliminary workaround, users may want to set File_Gamma=1.02 (any value smaller than 0.99 or greater than 1.01 should do).

 77 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 35Very LowHigh Cone is not on good place when first base point is lowe ...Closed
Task Description

Cone is not on good place when first base point is lower then end cap point.

cone { <0, 0, 0>, 2, <0, 1, 0>, 1 } - good
cone { <0, 0, 0>, 1, <0, 1, 0>, 2 } - bad

This is on 3.7 beta 35 version.

 78 PhotonsPossible Bug3.70 beta 35aVery LowHigh Wrong rendering of BeamTest-Scene in 3.7.beta.35a Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description


following scene will not be rendered correctly in 3.7.beta.35a:


maybe it is a configuration problem or it is a real bug.

 92 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36LowHigh Sphere_Sweep Bug Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

This item may need to be merged with item FS#81. This is another sphere sweep bug, though they are of different spline types.

The code is

#include "colors.inc"

camera {
  location  <0, 0.0, -4.0>
  direction 1.5*z
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>

light_source {
  <0, 0, 0>            // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb <1, 1, 1>  // light's color
  translate <-30, 30, -30>

#declare i_start = 0;
#declare i_stop = 3;
#declare i_step = 0.05;
#declare i_inc = i_start;
sphere_sweep {
  linear_spline                 // linear curve

  (i_stop - i_start)/i_step + 1,    // number of specified sphere positions
  #declare y_coor = 0.23*sin(7.1*i_inc);
  <i_inc, y_coor, 0>, 0.05
        #declare i_inc = i_inc + i_step;

pigment{color Orange}


 94 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowHigh Unexpected refraction angle in interfaces with changing ...Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

I’ve tried to model this setup:
http://kschwebke.webng.com/povray/ior-interfaces/drawing.png with the following SDL:

A small overlap between the two transparent solids is needed, because a gap
would lead to total reflection. The camera in the test scene looks in the
direction of the ray in the setup drawing. The setup is surrounded with angular
markers, so one can easily read the final resulting looking angle.

POV-Ray 3.6.1 renders the expected result (~53° in the center of the screen):

POV-Ray 3.7.0b35a (compiled Unix source) renders a different
(and in my opinion wrong) angle (~67°), however – for the very same scene file:

I’ve started a discussion about this issue in povray.beta-test: http://news.povray.org/povray.beta-test/thread/%3Cweb.4bba4677730ab9f3e8c084b40%40news.povray.org%3E/

All linked documents are also attached.

 95 PhotonsDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36LowHigh Photons are over-attenuated by semi-transparent surface ...Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

The code to attenuate transmitted photons according to surface texture was apparently duplicated during refactoring of the source code for version 3.7. Behavior has changed from 3.6 to 3.7 (beta.36) accordingly, as can be demonstrated with the following scene:

global_settings {
  assumed_gamma 1.0
  max_trace_level 10
  photons { spacing 0.02 }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,2.6,-10>
  look_at   <0,0.75,0>

light_source {
  color rgb 1.3
  photons {
    refraction on
    reflection on

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

plane {
  y, 0
  texture { pigment { color rgb <1.0, 0.8, 0.6> } }

#declare M_Glass=
material {
  texture {
    pigment {rgbt 1}
    finish {
      ambient 0.0
      diffuse 0.05
      specular 0.6
      roughness 0.005
      reflection { 0.1, 1.0 fresnel on }
  interior {
    ior 1.5
    fade_power 1001
    fade_distance 0.9
    fade_color <0.5,0.8,0.6>

#declare M_PseudoGlass2=
material {
  texture {
    pigment {rgbf <0.8,0.2,0.2,0.8>}
    finish {
      ambient 0.0
      diffuse 0.05
      specular 0.6
      roughness 0.005
      reflection { 0.1, 1.0 fresnel on }
  interior {
    ior 1.0

sphere {
  <1.1,1,-1.3>, 1
  material { M_Glass }
  photons {
    target 1.0
    refraction on
    reflection on

box {
  <2.4,0,-2.3>, <2.6,4,0.3>
  material { M_PseudoGlass2 }
  photons { target 1.0 refraction on reflection on }

 113 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 37aLowHigh Multi-layered reflections broken Closed
3.70 beta 38 Task Description

Reflections in multi-layered textures are broken in 3.7 betas, as can be demonstrated with the following scene showing two reflective hemispheres on a checkered plane:

camera {
  location  <1.0, 0.5, -4.0>
  direction 1.5*z
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

light_source {
  <0, 0, 0>            // light's position (translated below)
  color rgb <1, 1, 1>  // light's color
  translate <-30, 30, -30>

default {
 finish { diffuse 0 ambient 0 specular 0 }

// ----------------------------------------

plane {               // checkered floor
  y, -1
    pigment { checker color rgb 1 color blue 1 }
    finish{ diffuse 0.8 ambient 0.1 }

// left hemisphere
intersection {
  sphere { 0, 1 }
  plane { x, -0.002 }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.5 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.4 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.1 } }

// right hemisphere
intersection {
  sphere { 0, 1 }
  plane { -x, -0.002 }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 1.0 } }

Note that the reflection parameters of the left, multi-layered hemisphere sum up to 1.0, i.e. the same value as used in the single layer in the right hemisphere.

The first attached file (test_3.6.2.png), rendered with POV-Ray 3.6.2, shows the expected output: Both hemispheres appear to have the same reflectivity.

The second attached file (test_3.7.0.beta37a.png), rendered with POV-Ray 3.7.0.beta.37a, shows a much brighter left (multi-layered) sphere.

As it turns out, in order to get the expected result with POV-Ray 3.7.0.beta.37a, the reflectivity of each layer must be divided by 3, 2 and 1, respectively (which obviously does not sum up to 1.0):

  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.5 / 3 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.4 / 2 } }
  texture {
    pigment { color rgbt 1 }
    finish{ reflection { 0.1 / 1 } }
 179 Runtime errorDefinite Bug3.70 beta 40Very LowHigh unix version segfaults when $HOME not set Closed
3.70 beta 41 Task Description

unixoptions.cpp has a getenv(”HOME”) that does an assignment without checking to see if getenv returns NULL.

This causes an immediate and unceremonious segfault in those situations where $HOME is not set such as in the case where povray is launched by a daemon.

Best solution might be to set the home to /tmp and print a warning message about $HOME not being set.

 182 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 40LowHigh multi-textured blobs in intersections / differences bro ...Closed
3.70 beta 41 Task Description

Multi-textured blobs are broken with 3.7 beta 40 when used inside an intersection, as can be demonstrated by the following scene:

#default { texture { pigment { rgb 1 } } }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,1.5,-4>
  look_at   <0,1,0>

light_source { <500,500,-500> color rgb 1 }

difference { blob {
  threshold 0.6
  sphere { < 0.75,   0,    0>, 1, 1 texture { pigment { color red 1 } } }
  sphere { <-0.375,  0.65, 0>, 1, 1 texture { pigment { color green 1 } } }
  sphere { <-0.375, -0.65, 0>, 1, 1 }
} }

With POV-Ray 3.7.0 beta 40, the entire blob is rendered with the default texture.

The same problem can be seen with “difference” or “merge” instead of “intersection”.

Omitting the CSG “envelope”, using “union”, or assigning the blob to a variable first and then using it inside an intersection, will yield the expected result.

POV-Ray 3.62 renders all variants as expected.

According to initial analysis, the problem appears to be caused by the dual use of the “MULTITEXTURE_FLAG”, which is used in CSG to indicate use of the “cutaway_textures” feature, and in blobs to indicate per-element texturing. (The same flag is also used in meshes to indicate per-face or per-vertex texturing, so similar problems are to expected there.)

My proposal is to use an entirely separate flag for the “cutaway_textures” feature (the blob and mesh can safely continue to share the MULTITEXTURE_FLAG).

 188 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 RC1LowHigh no_reflection broken Closed
3.70 RC2 Task Description

I rendered attached .pov file with both 3.62 and 3.7RC1, and got different output between them.
In 3.7RC1, it looks like no_reflection option of the black sphere doesn’t work.

 208 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 RC3LowHigh Use-after-free when returning local function or spline  ...Closed
3.70 RC4 Task Description
#macro A()
  #local foo = function { x }

#local bar = A();

This causes either a segfault, corruption detected by malloc, or “Parse Error: Unknown user defined function”.

After some debugging I think this is what happens.

In source/backend/parser/parse.cpp, Parser::Parse_RValue is called to define the value of bar. Get_Token is called, which invokes A() and which ultimately returns foo as a FUNCT_ID_TOKEN. This token is handled by CASE_VECTOR in Parse_RValue. The relevant clause calls Parse_Unknown_Vector to parse additional tokens (e.g. “foo ( 1 )”). There aren’t any other tokens, but in the process of determining that, #end is reached and Return_From_Macro destroys the symbol table of A, including foo.

So by the time the CASE_VECTOR clause decides that foo is a function identifier that should be copied, the function is destroyed (both the function itself and its number in the symbol table). So here:

    Temp_Data  = (void *) Copy_Identifier((void *)*Token.DataPtr,*Token.NumberPtr);

if *Token.DataPtr (in this case, a function index) was already overwritten, we get “Unknown user defined function”; if it still has the valid function number, it increments the reference count of the function (which has already been freed) back from 0, and we get a double-free later.

A similar problem occurs when foo is a spline.

A tentative patch for the function case is attached.

 235 Platform-specificDefinite Bug3.70 RC3Very LowHigh Segmentation fault with animation of large image Closed
Task Description

Hopefully platform specific, other ports are welcome to check their scaling code.

Reported originally in p.beta-test (28 january 2012) by Cousin Ricky (email dropped)

Symptom: crash on start of second frame rendering
Environment: Unix, with display of rendered picture, rendered picture does not fit at 1:1 on the display

Demo (adjust the H/W to your setting to get them larger, both or any of them):

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1 }
light_source { <-1, 1, -1> * 1000, rgb 1 }
sphere { 2.5 * z, 1 pigment { red 1 } }

povray +H2000 +W2000 +KI0 +KF1 +KFI0 +KFF10 code.pov

 244 Texture/Material/FinishUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 RC5Very LowHigh Crand is disabled in 3.7 code Closed
3.70 RC7 Task Description

Turns out the crand feature, which depends on a real random number generator (and hence has threading issues) was disabled early on during 3.7 development, and hasn’t been fixed yet. The code is commented out in line 2426/2427 of trace.cpp.

 270 OtherDefinite Bug3.70 releaseMediumHigh render abort-continue (+C) sometimes skips blocks Closed
Task Description

When aborting a render when there are unfinished blocks among finished ones, under certain conditions some of those blocks are skipped when continuing the render later.

 10 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 32Very LowMedium Add support for specifying input images' gamma pre-corr ...Closed
3.70 beta 40 Task Description

Input image files may have been created with gamma pre-correction for some specific target gamma, which may vary from image to image. Some file formats like PNG or HDR support embedding gamma pre-correction information in the image file, but this information may be missing or faulty, and some formats don’t support it at all. Additionally, it may be desirable to tamper with an input image’s gamma for artistic reasons.

Therefore, I suggest adding a means to explicitly specify input images’ originally intended target gamma on a per-image basis, like:

image_map { jpeg "MyImage.jpg" assumed_gamma 1.8 }
 31 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowMedium function pattern in image map Closed
3.70 beta 33 Task Description

Function use in image maps is broken.

The following should result in a white and green checkered unit square, but is transparent.

camera {
   location  <0.0, 0.5, -4.0>
   direction 1.5*z
   right     x*image_width/image_height
   look_at   <0.0, 0.0,  0.0>

background {rgb <1,1,1>}

light_source {
  <-30, 10, -30>           
  color rgb <1, 1, 1> 

plane {y,-1 pigment{checker rgb <1,0,0> rgb <1,0.5,0.5> }}

plane {y,-0.99 
 pigment {
  image_map { 
   function 10,10 { 
    pigment {checker rgb <0,1,0>, rgb <1,1,1> scale 0.1}
  rotate <90,0,0>
 32 OtherDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowMedium tiff file extention error Closed
Task Description

The parser is failing to read the .tiff file extension from the input string...

bump_map { tiff "earth03_hf2.tiff" }

Results in file not found, but

bump_map { tiff "earth03_hf2" }

will find the file. It might be that it’s not a three character extension?

 39 DistributionDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowMedium "cats" and "life" sample scenes broken Closed
3.70 release Task Description

The following files were garbled in changelist #4648 by stripping all line terminators, making the files unusable:

  • .../scenes/advanced/cats/cattext.inc
  • .../scenes/animations/life/blink4.inc
  • .../scenes/animations/life/walker.inc

Line terminators of these files were already problematic in previous versions of the file, having been CR-only.

The following files changed with #4648 should be reviewed closely as well, as they were previously CR-only, too, and at least some of them exhibit some peculiarities regarding line and/or file terminators:

  • .../scenes/animations/pentmap/pentmap.ini
  • .../scenes/animations/pentmap/pentmap.pov
  • .../scenes/animations/slinky/slnk.ini
  • .../scenes/incdemo/metals/metals.doc
  • .../scenes/incdemo/stones/stones.doc
  • .../scenes/incdemo/woods/morewood.doc
  • .../scenes/incdemo/woods/woods.doc
  • .../scenes/textures/pigments/skies/skies.doc
 40 Platform-specificCompatibility Issue3.70 beta 32Very LowMedium Compilation on freebsd Closed
3.70 beta 33 Task Description

Reported for freebsd 7.2 (current production version, true for previous version, unknown for 8.0 in beta now)

freebsd does not provide CLOCK_PROCESS_CPUTIME_ID
(even if CLOCK... is posix).

As a consequence, compilation of the unix-source is currently not possible for freebsd target.

Might be a simple selection for Change 4356 ?
(assuming a relevant test in ./configure)
(getrusage() seems available on freebsd, but does it provide the pieces of information needed, I do not know that code good enough to assert that)

 53 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowMedium Blob trace level Closed
Task Description

It appears that reflective bounces from blobs are
not incrementing the trace level, causing self-
reflecting hall of mirror portions to stall renders.

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