The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POV-Ray).

This is the legacy Bug Tracking System for the POV-Ray project. Bugs listed here are being migrated to our github issue tracker. Please refer to that for new reports or updates to existing ones on this system.

IDCategoryTask TypeReported InPrioritySeveritySummaryStatusProgress  descDue In Version
 271 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 RC6DeferLow filter affects object's own brightness in an improper w ...Closed
3.70 release Task Description

The following scene has four spheres with different pigment color & filter settings:

- Left: filter 1
- Right: filter 0

- Top: red 0.0 green 0.5 blue 1.0
- Bottom: red 0.00 green 0.05 blue 0.10 (10% of the above)

Background is set to black, so that we only see the diffuse component of the object’s effective color.

Theoretically, both left spheres should be invisible, as they are fully transmissive (with a filtering effect), but apparently with a high filter setting, reducing an object’s pigment color actually increases the object’s effective diffuse color.

//+w600 +h600

global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

camera {
  location  <0,0,-10>
  right 4*x
  up 4*y
  look_at   <0,0,0>

light_source{<10,10,-10> color rgb 1 parallel }

background { color rgb 0 }

default {
  finish {
    ambient 0
    diffuse 1
    specular 0
    phong 0
    reflection { 0.0 }

sphere { <-1, 1, 0>, 0.8 texture { pigment { color rgb <0,0.5,1.0> filter 1.0 } } }
sphere { < 1, 1, 0>, 0.8 texture { pigment { color rgb <0,0.5,1.0> filter 0.0 } } }

sphere { <-1,-1, 0>, 0.8 texture { pigment { color rgb <0,0.5,1.0>*0.1 filter 1.0 } } }
sphere { < 1,-1, 0>, 0.8 texture { pigment { color rgb <0,0.5,1.0>*0.1 filter 0.0 } } }

This bug has been around in 3.6 already.

 274 Subsurface ScatteringDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow light source fading doesn't work properly with area_ill ...Closed
3.70 release Task Description

When using fade_distance and fade_power in combination with area_illumination, the light source fading is not applied to materials with subsurface scattering; see the following code for an example:

#version 3.7;
global_settings {
  assumed_gamma 1.0
  mm_per_unit 10
  subsurface { samples 200,20 }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  angle 30
  location  <0,1.5,-4>
  look_at   <0,0,0>

sky_sphere {
  pigment {
    gradient y
    color_map {
      [0.0 rgb <0.6,0.7,1.0>]
      [0.7 rgb <0.0,0.1,0.8>]

plane {
  y, 0
  texture {
    pigment {
      color rgb <1.0, 0.8, 0.6>
      color rgb <1.0, 0.0, 0.0>
      scale 0.5

light_source {
  color rgb 30
  area_light 5*x,5*y,17,17 adaptive 1 jitter circular orient
  area_illumination on
  fade_distance 10
  fade_power 2

cylinder {
  <0,0,0>, <0,0.2,0> 1
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb 1 }
    finish {
      ambient 0
      diffuse 0.7
      specular albedo 0.3
      reflection { 0.3 fresnel }
      subsurface { translucency 0.1 }
  interior { ior 1.5 }

sphere {
  <0,0.4,0>, 0.2
  texture {
    pigment { color rgb <1,0.6,0.0> }
    finish {
      ambient 0
      diffuse 0.0
      specular albedo 0.8 metallic
      reflection { 1.0 metallic }

 279 Light sourcePossible Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow area_illumination causes artifacts when used with radio ...Closed
Task Description

see my post titled: “area light and radiosity problem?” in povray.binary.images [Edit - copied that post’s text here - clipka]

wondering about what’s going on here with this series of images. the radiosity and area light settings are unchanged from image to image, and all I did was radiosity on/off and area_light on/off (btw: using rad_def “Normal” settings)

the 1st image is radiosity only, the 2nd is area light only, and the 3rd combines them:

what’s up with blotches? change #5819/5820 (octree) or maybe something still with area lights?

 284 DocumentationDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow Add to documentation of "background" command a referenc ...Closed
Task Description

Currently neither of these pages:


mention that the background can be transparent. Any normal user will try to give “background { ... }” a transparent color, see that it doesn’t work, and assume that POV-ray can’t do it.

The pages should mention the +UA command-line option, which enables the transparency.

 291 Include filesPossible Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow Math.inc: error in VDist function Closed
Task Description

Included math.inc into scene and recieved this fatal error from povray:

File '/usr/local/share/povray-3.7/include/math.inc' line 248: Parse Error: Expected 'string expression', float function 'vlength' found instead

Appropriate place in math.inc:

245 > #end
246 >
247 > // Distance between V1 and V2
248 > #macro VDist(V1, V2) vlength(V1 - V2) #end
249 >
250 > // Returns a vector perpendicular to V

Running newly-downloaded/newly-compiled POV-Ray 3.7.0, on Linux x86_64 system

 297 OtherFeature Request3.70 RC7Very LowLow Have a user-definable epsilon Closed
Task Description

There are times when scaling an entire scene up or down is difficult or just not feasible.

One suggestion is a global_settings option.

Also, I’ve noticed that in some situations, such as interactions between certain transparent objects, the epsilon seems to kick in quite early. Perhaps there could be situational or contextual epsilons, such as the “tolerance” of sphere_sweep or the “accuracy” of isosurface.

 298 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow the warning for isosurface does not appears as often as ...Closed
Task Description

From synthetic post of Cousin Ricky in p.beta-test, 2013-06-24 circa 3:19 pm (MST)

William F Pokorny anonymous@anonymous.org wrote:
> It seems to be the case the gradient warnings are only generated if the
> isosurface is naked. If it is wrapped in an object as was the case with
> my thread safety example, we get no warnings.

Confirmed. If only I still had the concentration required to investigate
computer code.

#version 3.7;

#ifndef (MG) #declare MG = 40/9; #end
#ifndef (Naked) #declare Naked = no; #end

{ assumed_gamma 1
  radiosity {} //force isosurface calculations from all directions

light_source { <-3.3125, 7.6250, -5.7374>, rgb 1 }

{ location <0.0000, 1.0000, -5.6713>
  look_at <-0.7969, 1.2000, -0.0598>
  angle 10.7447

#include "functions.inc"

#if (Naked)
  { function { f_sphere (x, 0, z, (2660 - 40*y) / 9) }
    contained_by { box { <-80, 31, -24>, <-128, 56, 24> } }
    max_gradient MG
    pigment { rgb <1, 0.75, 0> }
    scale 1/128
    rotate -35 * x
    translate y
  #declare Test = isosurface
  { function { f_sphere (x, 0, z, (2660 - 40*y) / 9) }
    contained_by { box { <-80, 31, -24>, <-128, 56, 24> } }
    max_gradient MG
    pigment { rgb <1, 0.75, 0> }
    scale 1/128
    rotate -35 * x
    translate y
  object { Test }

On the command line, try:

declare=MG=1 declare=Naked=1


declare=MG=1 declare=Naked=0

To lose the warning, I had to declare the isosurface. Just wrapping the naked
isosurface in an object{} generated a warning.

Further analysis

isCopy seems to be intended to avoid displaying the same warning over
and over for the same isosurface (as duplicated isosurface indeed are
not copied but reference the same sub-structure).

#declare Ob = isosurface{...}; that’s not a copy
object {Ob ... }
that’s a copy

Previously (3.6.1) the warning was displayed at the destruction of the
isosurface (when the sub-structure was actually referenced by no one else)

if((Stage == STAGE_SHUTDOWN) && (mginfo->refcnt == 0))

In 3.7, isCopy was introduced with change 4707, 16th February 2009,
along with the change introducing means for objects to submit message on
It was reported in windows source with change 4714, 21th February 2009.

If the symptom “isosurface embbeded in object (CSG) does not show the
warning” is correct, it might be a “feature/bug”. The parser copied the
isosurface object and deleted the original before the render started.
When the render ends, it find only copies and because the refcnt is not
used anymore (for that purpose), it miss the last remaining true data to

Instead of isCopy, what about adding in mginfo a boolean
“printed_warning” (actual name should be more appropriate), set to false
on creation, and turn to true on the first call (instead of last for
3.6.1) of the warning displaying function (test for false, set to true
if false) ? (and dropping isCopy in the process)

For instance, i’m afraid the following sequence would fails with current

#declare Foo = isosurface{ ... };
#declare Bar = object { Foo ... };
#undef Foo;

(or any pop of #local context, such as building the isosurface via macro
or loop, or replacing the value of a previous #declare/#local )

 304 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow #for-loop may fail to perform last iteration Closed
3.70 release Task Description

Using an end value of 1048576 or larger in a #for loop will cause the last iteration to be skipped, as can be demonstrated by the following code:

#declare N = 2000000;
#debug concat(”N = “,str(N, 0,50),”\n”)
#debug concat(”N-5 = “,str(N-5,0,50),”\n\n”)
#for (I, N-5, N, 1)

#debug concat("I   = ",str(I,0,50),"\n")


(The limit was observed with a Win64 build; other builds may exhibit other limits or might even work fine, depending on the floating point engine used.)

As this limit is still far below the numeric precision limit, and a corresponding #while loop works fine with much higher values, this must be considered a bug rather than an inevitable limitation.

The bug can be tracked down to a faulty condition in tokenize.cpp, Parser::Parse_Directive(), CASE(END_TOKEN), case FOR_COND:

    if ( ((Step > 0) && (*CurrentPtr >= End + EPSILON)) ||
         ((Step < 0) && (*CurrentPtr <= End - EPSILON)) )

which should instead be:

    if ( ((Step > 0) && (*CurrentPtr > End + EPSILON)) ||
         ((Step < 0) && (*CurrentPtr < End - EPSILON)) )
 305 Geometric PrimitivesFeature Request3.70 RC7Very LowLow remove maximum component limit for blobs Closed
Task Description

Blobs are currently limited to 1,000,000 components (with each cylindrical component counting as three: one cylinder + two end hemispheres); this limit may have served a historic purpose, but is now entirely arbitrary: The remaining code is limited only by the available RAM and the numeric limits of the int data type. The arbitrary maximum components limit per blob should therefore be removed.

Aside from unnecessarily limiting the power of the blob component, another drawback of the current test is that it is only performed after parsing of all the blob’s components, potentially hours after the limit had actually been reached.

 307 Image formatDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLow netpbm, ppm, read bug where first data byte CR char Closed
Task Description

I’ve recently been working with the netpbm ppm format and I have hit what I believe to be a bug in the way ppm files are read – very likely a bug in all netpbm formats. I am aware of the long standing povray issue with the netpbm file formats header where the height and width need to be on the same line as the magic number though that is not a requirement of the official format. This bug is different.

Namely in working with a larger number of ppm files I hit cases where a few would fail with the message : “Possible Parse Error: Unexpected EOF in PPM file” though the ppm files are fine. What is happening is that the first byte of data after the line feed (LF) (Ubuntu linux 12.04) happens to have a carriage return (CR) value.

The code which is set up to interpret the netpbm headers is reading a lines with “file→getline (line, 1024);” and this line reading code is pulling in the first byte of data with the CR value as part of the line. When the read by binary data, 8 or 16 bits at a time, starts, the povray read code is offset into the data by one byte too many.

The result from 10,000 meters, if input values were completely random file to file, would be netpbm read fails for size that make no sense in 1/256 files. In practice & depending on data some might never see fails while an unfortunate few might almost always fail.

I’d make some argument any CR following a LF character should not be pulled in as part of the line read even on windows/dos systems where CRLF is the usual line termination order. I think though the real fix is better netpbm header reading code which more strictly breaks apart the header on the first whitespace character doing the last depth break, aware of the file size, so it can decide what portion of any valid sequence of whitespce characters after the decimal depth value is data and not whitespace.

The attached tarball when unpacked has both a passing and failing case. To run “povray fails.pov” or “povray works.pov”. The only difference between the two ppm files if the fails.ppm data is all 0x0D while works.ppm data bytes are all 0x0C. The image rendered is meaningless.

Thanks for your time.
Bill P.

 312 OtherPossible Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow Rendering stuck at 99% Closed
Task Description

After a long parse period and a relatively quick rendering, POVray gets stuck at 99% when rendering the attached file.

Rendered at 6144x3072px with antialiasing set to 0.3.

Can anyone confirm?

 315 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow inverse keyword does not work properly with quadrics Closed
3.71 release Task Description

As the following scene demonstrates, the “inverse” keyword produces unexpected results with quadrics.

Left: a sphere primitive as reference
Right: a sphere-shaped quadric primitive (sphere-shaped)

Top: plain
Bottom: inverse

The objects are clipped in half to better demonstrate the effect. Regular texture is shown in white, interior_texture in red; the surface normal of a selected point (blue) as returned by trace() is shown in green.

Note how the sphere’s surface normal, as well as the textures, are flipped when “inverse” is used (this is the intended standard behaviour of all objects), while the quadric’s normal and textures erroneously remain uchanged.

// +w800 +h600

#version 3.7;

global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#default{ finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 specular 0.5 }} 

camera {
  angle 40
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,0,-10>
  look_at   <0,0,0>

light_source{ < 1000,3000,-3000> color rgb 1 }

background { color rgb 0.5 }

#declare T_White = texture { pigment { color rgb   1 } }
#declare T_Red   = texture { pigment { color red   1 } }
#declare T_Green = texture { pigment { color green 1 } }
#declare T_Blue  = texture { pigment { color blue  1 } }

#declare TopLeft     = sphere { 0, 1 }
#declare BottomLeft  = sphere { 0, 1 inverse }

#declare TopRight    = quadric { <1,1,1>, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, -1 }
#declare BottomRight = quadric { <1,1,1>, <0,0,0>, <0,0,0>, -1 inverse }

#macro Mac(Obj, P, D)
  union {
    #local N = <0,0,0>;
    #local O = <-0.6,0.4,-10>;
    #local Q = trace(Obj, O, D, N);
    #if (vlength(N) > 0)
      sphere { Q, 0.05 texture { T_Blue } }
      cylinder { Q, Q + N, 0.02 texture { T_Green } }
      cylinder { O, O + D*10000, 0.02 texture { T_Red } }
    object { Obj texture { T_White } interior_texture { T_Red } clipped_by { box { <-1,-1,-1>, <0,1,1> rotate y*30 } } }
    translate P

Mac(TopLeft,     <-1.2, 1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(TopRight,    < 1.2, 1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(BottomLeft,  <-1.2,-1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(BottomRight, < 1.2,-1.2, 0>, z)
 316 Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow inverse keyword does not work properly with fractals Closed
3.71 release Task Description

As the following scene demonstrates, the “inverse” keyword produces unexpected results with fractals.

Left: a sphere primitive as reference
Right: a julia fractal

Top: plain
Bottom: inverse

The objects are clipped in half to better demonstrate the effect. Regular texture is shown in white, interior_texture in red; the surface normal of a selected point (blue) as returned by trace() is shown in green.

Note how the sphere’s surface normal, as well as the textures, are flipped when “inverse” is used (this is the intended standard behaviour of all objects), while the fractal’s normal and textures erroneously remain uchanged.

// +w800 +h600

#version 3.7;

global_settings{ assumed_gamma 1.0 }

#default{ finish { ambient 0.1 diffuse 0.9 specular 0.5 }} 

camera {
  angle 40
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,0,-10>
  look_at   <0,0,0>

light_source{ < 1000,3000,-3000> color rgb 1 }

background { color rgb 0.5 }

#declare T_White = texture { pigment { color rgb   1 } }
#declare T_Red   = texture { pigment { color red   1 } }
#declare T_Green = texture { pigment { color green 1 } }
#declare T_Blue  = texture { pigment { color blue  1 } }

#declare TopLeft     = sphere { 0, 1 }
#declare BottomLeft  = object { TopLeft inverse }

#declare TopRight    = julia_fractal{ <-0.083,0.0,-0.83,-0.025> quaternion sqr max_iteration 8 precision 20 scale 0.9 }
#declare BottomRight = object { TopRight inverse }

#macro Mac(Obj, P, D)
  union {
    #local N = <0,0,0>;
    #local O = <-0.6,0.4,-10>;
    #local Q = trace(Obj, O, D, N);
    #if (vlength(N) > 0)
      sphere { Q, 0.05 texture { T_Blue } }
      cylinder { Q, Q + N, 0.02 texture { T_Green } }
      cylinder { O, O + D*10000, 0.02 texture { T_Red } }
    object { Obj texture { T_White } interior_texture { T_Red } clipped_by { box { <-2,-2,-2>, <0,2,2> rotate y*30 } } }
    translate P

Mac(TopLeft,     <-1.2, 1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(TopRight,    < 1.2, 1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(BottomLeft,  <-1.2,-1.2, 0>, z)
Mac(BottomRight, < 1.2,-1.2, 0>, z)
 318 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow method 3 (default) scattering media is too bright & cau ...Closed
3.71 release Task Description

The following scene demonstrates how media sampling method 3 gives inaccurate results with scattering media.

The scene shows four spheres with uniform media, using (left to right) sampling methods 1, 2 and 3 with default settings, and sampling method 3 with high minimum sample count, respectively.

Note how changing the sample count significantly affects the result, despite the media being uniform.

Code analysis shows that the root cause is an underestimation of the extinction effect on the light scattered by the media, corresponding in order of magnitude to half the distance between mandatory samples (as defined by minimum sample count).

The effect also leads to visible artifacts when nesting hollow objects inside the media, as can be demonstrated by un-commenting the four smaller spheres.

#version 3.7;

camera {
  perspective angle 25
  location  <0.0 , 0.0 ,-20.0>
  right     x*image_width/image_height
  look_at   <0.0 , 0.0 , 0.0>

light_source {
  <0,3000,-3000> color rgb 1

background { color rgb 0.5 }

plane {
  <0,1,0>, -1
  texture { pigment { checker color rgb<1,1,1>*1.2 color rgb<0.25,0.15,0.1>*0 } }

#declare T_Transparent = texture {
  pigment { color rgbt <1,1,1,1> } finish { diffuse 1 }

sphere { <-3,0,0>, 1.00 
  texture { T_Transparent }
  interior {
    media {
      scattering { 1 color rgb 2 extinction 1 }
      method 1

sphere { <-1,0,0>, 1.00 
  texture { T_Transparent }
  interior {
    media {
      scattering { 1 color rgb 2 extinction 1 }
      method 2

sphere { <1,0,0>, 1.00 
  texture { T_Transparent }
  interior {
    media {
      scattering { 1 color rgb 2 extinction 1 }
      method 3

sphere { <3,0,0>, 1.00 
  texture { T_Transparent }
  interior {
    media {
      scattering { 1 color rgb 2 extinction 1 }
      method 3
      samples 100

sphere { <-3,0,0>,0.8 texture { T_Transparent } hollow }
sphere { <-1,0,0>,0.8 texture { T_Transparent } hollow }
sphere { < 1,0,0>,0.8 texture { T_Transparent } hollow }
sphere { < 3,0,0>,0.8 texture { T_Transparent } hollow }
 329 DocumentationPossible Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow Mesh_camera type 0 output seems Closed
Task Description

When using mesh_camera type ‘0’

The first line of the mesh output seems to be repeated resulting in incorrect light colour values.

If the first line of the texture is skipped then the values seem to be correct.

 330 Platform-specificDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow Typo in QUICKRES.INI Closed
Task Description


[640×360, AA 0.3]

should be:

[640×360, AA 0.3]

 332 User interfaceFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLow Progress animation in taskbar tabs Closed
Task Description

On Windows 7 and newer operating systems, some programs are able to display their progress in the taskbar buttons.

Here is an example of Chrome downloading something and showing the progress in the taskbar:


Here is an example with Paint.NET instead:


I think this feature would use fewer CPU resources than a) minimizing/maximizing the whole application window each time you want to check progress, or b) hovering the mouse over the taskbar button to show the thumbnails.

 336 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow #fopen w/o OPEN_TYPE crash povray (segfault) Closed
3.71 release Task Description

#fopen directive w/o OPEN_TYPE (yeah, I forgot it, some other languages have ‘read’ as default value)

expected behavior:
Parse error msg “line XXX, OPEN_TYPE missing in #fopen directive”, then stop.

observed behavior:
crash - Segfault err (core dump) in Parsing stage

minimal working example attached

 12 Texture/Material/FinishDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32Very LowVery Low facets pattern in normal map Closed
3.70 RC6 Task Description

Using a facet pattern in a normal map results in a unspecified error in Evaluate_TPat at the render stage.
This probably should be caught at parse time to give a more descriptive error and a line number.


sphere {
  0, 1
    pigment{rgb <1,1,1>}   
    normal {
      normal_map {
         [0 bumps ]
         [0.5 facets ]
         [1 bumps ]
 30 Parser/SDLFeature RequestNot applicableDeferVery Low Custom progress information during parsing Closed
Task Description

For some particularly “heavy” SDL scripts, it might be desirable to override (or complement) the standard “Parsing 47110815K tokens” progress information with some more helpful custom info, e.g. “Planting trees... (37%)”, or “Generating terrain mesh row 47 of 500”.

 83 Source codePossible Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowVery Low redundant code in pvengine.cpp Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

In pvengine.cpp (file revision 154), lines 4003-4006 are exact duplicates of lines 3999-4002:

3998         hh_aklink.pszKeywords = (LPCSTR) lParam ;

3999         if (strncmp (hh_aklink.pszKeywords, "oooo", 4) == 0)
4000           hh_aklink.pszKeywords = ""  ;
4001         if (strncmp (hh_aklink.pszKeywords, "//", 2) == 0)
4002           hh_aklink.pszKeywords = ""  ;

4003         if (strncmp (hh_aklink.pszKeywords, "oooo", 4) == 0)
4004           hh_aklink.pszKeywords = ""  ;
4005         if (strncmp (hh_aklink.pszKeywords, "//", 2) == 0)
4006           hh_aklink.pszKeywords = ""  ;

4007         HtmlHelp (NULL, engineHelpPath, HH_KEYWORD_LOOKUP, (DWORD_PTR) &hh_aklink) ;
4008         return (true) ;

This duplication appears pretty much useless to me - or am I missing something?

 84 Parser/SDLFeature RequestNot applicableDeferVery Low A for-loop construct Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

Many people clearly miss a simple for-loop construct in povray. It is indeed true that probably at least 99% of #while loops out there have the form of a simple for-loop. It’s much rarer to have to use more exotic forms of looping supported by the #while mechanism. Thus it would make sense if a #for construct would be added which would make writing such loops much easier and convenient.

The only remaining question would be the syntax.

IMO the for-loop construct should implicitly declare a local variable of a specified name, automatically increment it during the loop, and then undefine it after the loop ends. It could perhaps be something along the lines of:

#for(<identifier name>, <initial value>, <final value> [, <step>])
  <loop body>


#for(Counter, 1, 10) // 'Counter' gets values 1, 2, 3, ..., 10
  #debug concat(str(Counter, 0, 0), "\n")
#for(Counter, 1, 10, 3) // 'Counter' gets values 1, 4, 7, 10
  #debug concat(str(Counter, 0, 0), "\n")

I think this syntax ought to be relatively easy to implement (compared to more “traditional” syntaxes, such as something like “for Counter = 1 to 10” or the C syntax, which would be a lot more complicated).

Of course this raises a couple of questions:

1) What happens if ‘Counter’ was already declared as an identifier? One of three possibilities comes to mind:

  • The ‘Counter’ in the for-loop replaces the previous identifier, as a regular #local command would.
  • The ‘Counter’ in the for-loop hides the identifier for the duration of the loop, and unhides it afterwards.
  • A syntax error is given (ie. the identifier name must be unused).

2) Should the user be able to modify the counter variable from inside the body of the loop? Something like this comes to mind as viable:

// Prints the values 1, 2, 3, 9 and 10
#for(Counter, 1, 10)
  #debug concat(str(Counter, 0, 0), "\n")
  #if(Counter = 3) #local Counter = 8; #end

Alternatively the counter variable could be read-only.

Additionally, it could be nice if #break could be used to immediately jump out of the current loop (either #while or #for).

 90 Parser/SDLDefinite Bug3.70 beta 36Very LowVery Low POV-Ray accepts additional patterns after "slope" Closed
3.70 beta 37 Task Description

The following code is erroneously accepted by POV-Ray (tested with 3.7.0.beta.36):

  slope { x }

The result is a checker pattern.

Apparently there is an EXIT statement missing in the slope-pattern parsing code in parstxtr.cpp.

 109 OtherCompatibility Issue3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low Debug_File No Longer Appends Frame by Frame Debug Data Closed
Future release Task Description

The function of the “Debug_File=” .ini option has changed from 3.6 to 3.7.37a.
In 3.6, when rendering multiple frames, a debug file would be created that then appended the debug lines for each frame into the file. It was therefore able to have debug data that identified what parameters were used in which frame in case a frame did not have the desired effect.

In 3.7.37a, the debug file does not perform this function. Instead it creates a new debug file (overwriting the prior) with each new frame. Therefore the debug data is only useful for the final frame (or wherever the render was halted). This is useful for a single frame render or for identifying a fault within a series of frames (because only the last one will remain) but it is not useful for many frames that render successfully.

This problem does not cause any rendering errors or other defects. The debug file specified will only contain the debug data for the last frame rendered.

Per discussion in the forum it was unknown if this was a bug or “feature”. At this time it is causing me a problem so I am submitting the bug. No related bugs were found searching for “output” or “debug” in any status.

Operating System in use is Windows XP. I cannot test 3.7.37a in additional OSes, but it does not seem like it would be OS-specific.

 120 DocumentationCompatibility Issue3.70 beta 37aVery LowVery Low More library paths, wildcards Closed
3.70 release Task Description

20 library paths is a bit small given the sheer number of include files I’ve collected over the years. An increase in the number, and/or the ability to include wildcards in the search path, would be great.

 124 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low variable number of parameters in macros Closed
Future release Task Description

Many programming languages support an indeterminate number of parameters in functions/macros.

JavaScript for instance supports an “arguments” object.

Lua for instance supports the “args” object.

I would like to see that added to POV as well.

Here’s an JavaScript example:

function ArgTest(a, b){
   var i, s = "The ArgTest function expected ";
   var numargs = arguments.length;     //Get number of arguments passed.
   var expargs = ArgTest.length;       //Get number of arguments expected.
   if (expargs < 2)
      s += expargs + " argument. ";
      s += expargs + " arguments. ";
   if (numargs < 2)
      s += numargs + " was passed.";
      s += numargs + " were passed.";
   s += "\n\n"
   for (i =0 ; i < numargs; i++){      //Get argument contents.
   s += "  Arg " + i + " = " + arguments[i] + "\n";
   return(s);                          //Return list of arguments.
 125 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowVery Low System variable to track whether a file has been includ ...Closed
Task Description

Request a system variable to test whether a scene file has been included by another scene file.

For instance:

#if (is_included)
  camera {...}
 136 Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low String concatenation operator Closed
Task Description

Using the concat function is tedious. Why not just have an operator with which to concatenate strings?

“Hello " + “world!”

“Hello " . “world!”

 160 OtherFeature RequestAllVery LowVery Low Parallel GPU processing support Closed
Task Description

...for instance nVidia’s CUDA architecture, discussed here and other places.

General consensus is that it’s not worth the effort if only a partial set of POV-Ray’s features are possible.

 185 OtherDefinite Bug3.70 beta 41Very LowVery Low wrong message about image resolution Closed
3.70 RC2 Task Description

‘povray -H10 -W20 myscene.pov’ will generate a file with a picture 10 pixels high and 20 pixels wide, BUT in the message pane it displays

Image resolution.....20 by 10 (rows 1 to 20, columns 1 to 10)

instead of

Image resolution.....20 by 10 (rows 1 to 10, columns 1 to 20)


Image resolution.....20 by 10 (columns 1 to 20, rows 1 to 10) 
 193 Sample scenesUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 RC3Very LowVery Low "pure white" typo in "Insert Menu" bitmap - simple solu ...Closed
Task Description

In the folder “ready made scenes”, there is the file “B0 - Basic scene 11 - pure white background.txt”.
The text string to be rendered lacks the “e” in “pure”. Unfortunately, this makes the typo visible in the “Insert menu” preview image.

If the “e” is added, the text needs to be scaled a bit smaller (0.43 instead of 0.44) to fit inside the view.

The following code contains a possible “fix” (whatever).
It would be great if someone could fix this easy issue:

text { ttf "arial.ttf", "pure white background", 0.02, 0.0 // thickness, offset
       texture{ pigment{ color rgb<1,0.6,0>*0.5 } 
                finish { phong 0.1 }
              } // end of texture

       translate<-2.10,-0.30,0.00 >
      } // end of text object ---------------------------------------------
 199 Sample scenesDefinite Bug3.70 RC3Very LowVery Low typos in sample scenes prevent render Closed
3.70 RC4 Task Description


in global_settings  "max_trace" should be "max_trace_level"


in global_settings  assumed_gamma statement should not be followed by a semicolon


in global_settings  "assummed_gamma" should be spelled "assumed_gamma"


in all files other than _empty.pov the parse stops at the lines containing "[frame_number-1]" I'm guessing it should be "[frame_number]-1"  
4Subsurface ScatteringUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 32Very LowLowIntegrate Subsurface Scattering with standard lighting ...Tracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Subsurface Scattering still uses its own rudimentary code to compute illumination from classic light sources; this must be changed to use the standard light source & shadow handling code, to add support for non-trivial light sources (e.g. spotlights, cylindrical lights, area lights), partially-transparent shadowing objects etc.

25AnimationDefinite Bug3.70 beta 32DeferLowPause sometimes fails when rendering animationTracked on GitHub
Task Description

There is an issue where the pause button in POVWIN will sometimes not work during an animation (primarily where the frame rate is high), and furthermore, POVWIN can then get into a state where it’s not possible to use the pause until it is re-started.

Newsgroup report.

196Subsurface ScatteringDefinite Bug3.70 RC3Very LowLowMore SSLT CaveatsTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

when a prism is differenced with a primitive (cylinder in this case) if sslt is used it causes a seq fault. Reference distribution file logo.inc and the Povray_Logo_Prism definition.

321OtherDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLowbounding threshold inconsistencyTracked on GitHub
Task Description

User reported documentation inconsistency. Investigation led to the discovery of a bug in the setting of the current default value.

~source/frontend/renderfrontend.cpp reports the value “3” while ~source/backend/scene/scene.cpp sets a default value of “1”

Before for addressing this issue, are there any thoughts as to what the default value should be?

98Refactoring/CleanupUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 36DeferMediumRefactor Windows UI code for Unicode supportTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

Windows UI code should be refactored to use _TCHAR throughout instead of char, as well as the corresponding string function macros, to head for Unicode support.

183Texture/Material/FinishPossible Bug3.70 beta 40Very LowLowcutaway_textures broken with child unionsTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

When using cutaway_textures in a CSG object that has union children, results are not as expected; instead, surfaces in the union children that have no explicit texture will be rendered with the default texture instead. This is not the case for e.g. difference children.


#default { texture { pigment { rgb 1 } } }

camera {
  right x*image_width/image_height
  location  <0,1.5,-4>
  look_at   <0,1,0>

light_source { <500,500,-500> color rgb 1 }

#declare U = union {
  sphere { <0,-0.1,-1>, 0.3 }
  sphere { <0, 0.1,-1>, 0.3 pigment { color red 1 } }

intersection {
  sphere { <0,0,0>, 1 pigment { color green 1 } }
  object { U }
  rotate y*90

When declaring U as an intersection instead, the results are as expected, with the surface of the first sphere in U being rendered with the texture defined in the outer intersection.

206OtherPossible Bug3.70 RC3Very LowLow"Cannot open file" error when text output files specifi...Tracked on GitHub
3.71 release Task Description

I created an INI file which specifies the Input_File_Name, Output_File_Name, and also the Render_File and the remaining four text outputs as double-quoted absolute paths on my disk. When I run the render, I get the following output:

Preset INI file is ‘C:\USERS\TPREAL\DOCUMENTS\POV-RAY\V3.7\INI\QUICKRES.INI’, section is ‘[512×384, No AA]’.
Preset source file is ‘D:\Ruby\POV-Rb\ini\20110521_004037_Noix.ini’.
Rendering with 2 threads.
Cannot open file.
Render failed
CPU time used: kernel 0.06 seconds, user 0.02 seconds, total 0.08 seconds.
Elapsed time 0.52 seconds.

And the render does not start. The five text output files are not even created, and where the output image should be, there is a file with extension pov-state. The render works as it should only when I remove all five lines defining the five text output files. The paths I specify for the files are correct (paths exist and files do not, no white-spaces or anything), read/write restrictions are disabled in POV-Ray. This used to work in 3.6 and does not work now in 3.7 RC3. The error happens no matter if I run the render using GUI or command line.

(Also please note that the error message is really not useful here, it does not say which file it failed to open, and not even if it was an attempt to open for read or for write.)

I’d be really glad if you could correct this as it’s a critical functionality for me. I’m generating the POV-Ray code automatically and I need to parse the text output automatically to return the status to the generator.

275Light sourceDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLowcircular area lights exhibit anisotropyTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

circular area lights exhibit some anisotropy, being brighter along the diagonals than on average, as can be demonstrated with the following scene:

//+w800 +h800
#version 3.7;
global_settings{assumed_gamma 1}
plane{-z,-10 pigment{rgb 1} finish{ambient 0 brilliance 0}}
camera{orthographic location z look_at 10*z up y*12 right x*12}
light_source{-10*z rgb 10 area_light 10*x 10*y 257 257 adaptive 4 circular}
287Light sourceDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLowarea_illumination shadow calculationTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

not sure if this is something needing further work or an intended effect.

Shadows from and area light with area_illumination on seem to follow the same shadow calculation as a standard area light by giving more weight to lights near the center of the array. I would assume the shadows would be calculated similarly to individual lights in the same pattern as the array by evenly distributing the amount of shadow equally for each light. But this is not what I see.

The code sample below when rendered with scene 1 will show shadows grouped near the center from the area light with area_illumination. If scene 1 is commented out and scene 2 is uncommented then rendered, you will see evenly distributed shadows from individual lights. Area lighting with area_illumination I would assume should give a result identical to scene 2. If scene 1 is rendered with area_illumination off, the shadow calculation is exactly the same as with area_illumination on.

example images rendered on win32 XP

#version 3.7;

global_settings {
 ambient_light 0
 assumed_gamma 1

camera {
  location <0, 3, -5>
  look_at <0, 2, 0>

background { rgb <.3, .5, .8> }
plane { y,0 pigment { rgb .7 } }
torus { 1.5,.1 rotate 90*x translate 4*z pigment { rgb .2 } }
plane { -z,-7 pigment { rgb .7 } }

// scene 1
  area_light 3*x, z, 7, 1
  area_illumination on
union {
 sphere { 0,.05 }
 sphere { .5*x,.05 }
 sphere { x,.05 }
 sphere { 1.5*x,.05 }
 sphere { -.5*x,.05 }
 sphere { -x,.05 }
 sphere { -1.5*x,.05 }
 translate y
  hollow pigment { rgbt 1 } interior { media { emission 10 } }
// end scene 1

// scene 2
#declare Light = light_source {
  looks_like { sphere { 0,.05 hollow pigment { rgbt 1 } interior { media { emission 10 } } } }

union {
 object { Light }
 object { Light translate .5*x }
 object { Light translate x }
 object { Light translate 1.5*x }
 object { Light translate -.5*x }
 object { Light translate -x }
 object { Light translate -1.5*x }
 translate y
// end scene 2

301OtherDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLowFallback to default image size causes wrong values to b...Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

When resolution is not specified (neither via POVRAY.INI nor via QUICKRES.INI nor via command line or custom .ini file), random values are displayed for image resolution in the Image Output Options message output. (The actual render will be performed at the default size of 160×120 pixels though.)

75Geometric PrimitivesUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 34Very LowMediumReplace POV_MALLOC with std::vector in shape codeTracked on GitHub
Future release Task Description

In the files bezier.cpp, fpmetric.cpp, fractal.cpp, hfield.cpp, isosurf.cpp, lathe.cpp, poly.cpp, polygon.cpp, prism.cpp, sor.cpp, and sphsweep.cpp the use of POV_MALLOC can be replaced by std::vector quite easily because the containing class already is a C++ class. As this is a low hanging fruit for continued code cleanup, it should be done sooner rather than later.

313RadiosityDefinite Bug3.70 releaseLowHighradiosity.cpp pov::RadiosityFunction::BeforeTile assert...Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

With 3.7.0 final, rendering attached files (for Computer Engineering college course),
which renders without issues in povray 3.6.1, fails with following error:

==== [Rendering...] ========================================================
povray: backend/lighting/radiosity.cpp:324: virtual void pov::RadiosityFunction::BeforeTile(int, unsigned int): Assertion `(pts >= PRETRACE_FIRST) && (pts <= PRETRACE_MAX)' failed.

Command line:

povray +K0.6500 \
+FN +Q9 +MB1 \
+W600 +H400 \
+AM1 +A0.0 +R2 \
+D +SP32 +EP4 \
+L/usr/share/povray-3.7/include \
+Imain.pov \

Using Arch Linux testing current:
Linux archmidi 3.12.0-1-ARCH #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed Nov 6 09:06:27 CET 2013 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Downstream bug report:

145Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowStack trace report on errorTracked on GitHub
Task Description

In other languages if you encounter an error you’ll often be presented with a stack trace showing not only the file and line number the error occurred at, but also any calling functions and _their_ calling functions and so on.

Currently, Povray reports the line number of the error as well as the last five or so lines prior to the error. This is usually OK in simple scenes, but breaks down when you start making use of inclusion and macros.

Let’s say you have a macro located in a file that you then include in your scene. Within your scene you call the macro multiple times, passing input to it. However, by accident you pass _invalid_ input to the macro at some point, resulting in an error when parsing. In this case Povray will report the error as belonging to the macro whereas the actual bug exists in the calling code. If the macro is called more than once in your scene it can be difficult to figure out _which_ instance is the one supplying the bad input.

Not sure how much of this is achievable in Povray.

70PhotonsUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 34LowHighload/save photons should be controlled via command lineTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Just like radiosity load/save, the photon mapping load/save mechanism should be moved to the frontend and controlled via command-line switch, instead of being SDL-driven in the backend.

227Refactoring/CleanupUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 RC3Very LowHighFixed Vector LimitationsTracked on GitHub
Task Description

See this documentation entry for more details.

306Subsurface ScatteringDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowHighfinish subsurface block before global_settings subsurfa...Tracked on GitHub
3.71 release Task Description

The following scene causes a crash:

sphere {
  <0,0,0>, 1
  finish { subsurface { translucency 1.0 } }

global_settings {
  subsurface { }
324Geometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.70 releaseVery LowHigh3.7 mesh2 rendering artifact, regression from 3.6Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

Povray 3.7 has rendering artifact in meshes with polygons that meet at shallow angles. Please see the attached file.

The part of concern is the mesh2, which produces the partly-transparent faces of a shallow pyramid. The file result-3_6.png shows the output of povray-3.6, and the file result-3_7.png shows the output of povray-3.7. In 3.7, you can see a thin light-colored margin all around the base of the pyramid, especially thick under the top cylinder. In 3.6, this artifact is absent. For comparison purposes, I have inserted a “#version 3.6;” directive at the top of the file so that the output images are as close to each other as possible. However, the artifact is still present in 3.7 without this directive.

The attached scene file is only a small part of a much larger scene, where this artifact shows up in numerous very obvious places, where it doesn’t in 3.6. I have hunted in the documentation and online for ways to solve this problem, but haven’t found anything. Because of this, I am forced to stay with 3.6 for production use, which is quite unfortunate since I’d like to take advantage of the new features of 3.7.

7RadiosityUnimp. Feature/TODO3.70 beta 32LowMediumRe-implement Radiosity render abort/continue supportTracked on GitHub
Task Description

For proper render abort/continue support, radiosity cache data must be written to (or read from) disk even if the user does not explicitly opt to have a sample data file written/read. This feature has temporarily been dropped from 3.7 beta and is still pending re-implementation.

To meet high-reproducibility requirements in conjunction with SMP operation, it may be necessary to extend the 3.6 radiosity cache file format.

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