286 | Texture/Material/Finish | Possible Bug | 3.70 RC7 | Very Low | Low | reflection exponent other than 1 causes black artifacts... | Tracked on GitHub | |
Task Description
[EDIT: Original title was “radiosity causing black patches when using emission less than 0”]
see attached image for reference.
mountain on left has emission set to -.13 and black patches show up, when emmission set to 0 or greater no patches
changing max_trace or any radiosity settings has no effect
setting no_radiosity on mountain fixed problem as a temp fix
code sample ...
#version 3.7;
#default { finish { ambient 0 } }
#declare rad_lvl = 4;
global_settings {
assumed_gamma 1
max_trace_level max(5,rad_lvl*3)
adc_bailout .007
ambient_light 0
radiosity {
pretrace_start 64/max(image_width,image_height)
pretrace_end max(2,int(8/rad_lvl))/max(image_width,image_height)
pretrace_end 32/max(image_width,image_height)
count pow(rad_lvl+1,2)*10
nearest_count 1
#if(rad_lvl) error_bound 1/rad_lvl #end
low_error_factor max(.4,(8-rad_lvl)/10)
recursion_limit 1
gray_threshold .25
brightness 1
max_sample 1
normal on
media off
always_sample off
minimum_reuse min(.008,8/max(image_width,image_height))
maximum_reuse .1
adc_bailout .02
#declare sunC = rgb <1, 1, .9925>; // actual D65 standard illuminant
#declare SkyC = rgb <.3195, .5745, .8805>;
#macro GammaAdj(C,G) rgb <pow(C.red,G),pow(C.green,G),pow(C.blue,G)> #end
light_source {
area_light <-300, 0, -300>, <300, 100, 300>, 3, 3
rotate <-28, 0, 14>
adaptive 0
sphere { 0, 1
texture {
gradient y
[.07 GammaAdj(SkyC,.5)]
[.2 average pigment_map { [.5 GammaAdj(SkyC,.75)][1 wrinkles turbulence .65 octaves 5 lambda 3 omega .9 color_map { [.2 rgb 1][.5 SkyC] } scale <10, .1, 1>] }]
[.4 GammaAdj(SkyC,1.15)]
[.5 GammaAdj(SkyC,1.35)]
rotate -75*y scale <1, 1, 100>
finish { diffuse .72 }
scale 100000
#declare Cam_pos = Cam_pos + <0, 20, -40>;
#declare Cam_lkt = Cam_lkt + <0, 10, 50>;
camera {
location Cam_pos
direction <0,0,1>
right 1.33*x
up y
sky <0,1,0>
#if(Cam_agl) angle Cam_agl #end
look_at Cam_lkt
#macro sinai(HillQ)
#local F = function { pattern { granite poly_wave 4 turbulence .01 lambda 2.1 omega .9 scale 5 translate <.2, 0, 18.08> scale <2, 1, 3> } }
#local N = function { pigment { crackle ramp_wave turbulence .3 lambda 2.2 omega .76 color_map {[0 rgb 0][1 rgb 1] } scale .07 translate <-.15, -.12, .13> } }
height_field {
function HillQ, HillQ { F(x,y,z) + N(x,y,z).grey/47 }
water_level .05
clipped_by { box { <0, .05, .3>, <1, 1, 1> } }
translate <-.5, -.05, -.5>
rotate 20*y
texture {
pigment{ crackle color_map { [0 rgb <161, 107, 71>/255][.25 rgb <193, 132, 93>/255][.35 rgb <218, 163, 123>/255][.45 rgb <212, 153, 112>/255][.55 rgb <222, 166, 125>/255][.65 rgb <236, 178, 124>/255][.75 rgb <220, 154, 102>/255][.85 rgb <160, 121, 103>/255] } turbulence .75 lambda 3 omega .7 scale .1 }
finish{ diffuse albedo .56 emission -.13 specular .25 roughness .02 brilliance 1.5 metallic 1.3 }
normal { crackle poly_wave .7 turbulence .4 omega .8 scale <.007, .03, .007> }
rotate 12*y
scale <2400, 2000, 3000>*1.5
translate <1900, 0, 1900>
scale <-1,1,1>
plane { y,0 pigment { rgb <1, 1, 1> } }
//courtyard gating not included due to size of code and many external files needed. add anything around <0,0,0> to try to reproduce effect of error