281 | Geometric Primitives | Feature Request | 3.70 RC7 | Defer | Low | Bug in rendering of Bézier patches | Tracked on GitHub | |
Future release |
Task Description
In version 3.7.0.RC7.msvc10.win64, there is a bug in rendering Bézier patches in which four points (along one edge) are all the same point.
The rendering can be seen here: http://i.imgur.com/eq2UIXR.png [Edit: See attachment for the rendering]
As you can see, there is a visible unwanted artifact in the corner of each patch. The two patches shown are essentially the same, except with the 4×4 matrix of vertices transposed (just to demonstrate that simply transposing it didn’t fix it).
Expected rendering is a smooth surface without the artifact.
Below is the code used to render the above example.
#version 3.7;
global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.0 }
camera {
location <45, 31, -10>
look_at <40, 21, 200>
right x*image_width/image_height
light_source {
<660, 300, -525>
color rgb 1
Example 1: First point in each row is the same point bicubic_patch { type 1 flatness 0.001 u_steps 4 v_steps 4 <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <34.4968, -23.78125, 0>, <35.2168, -23.78125, -0.72>, <35.2168, -23.78125, -3>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <34.4968, -22.10256, 0>, <35.2168, -21.57244, -0.72>, <35.2168, -21.57244, -3>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <33.9709, -21.55577, 0>, <34.52483, -20.85299, -0.72>, <34.52483, -20.85299, -3>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <32.30556, -21.50298, 0>, <32.33359, -20.78352, -0.72>, <32.33359, -20.78352, -3> rotate 180*x
scale 1.4 translate ←5, 0, 0> pigment { color <1, 0, 0> } }
Example 2: First row is all the same point bicubic_patch {
type 1 flatness 0.001
u_steps 4 v_steps 4
<32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>, <32.2168, -23.78125, 0>,
<34.4968, -23.78125, 0>, <34.4968, -22.10256, 0>, <33.9709, -21.55577, 0>, <32.30556, -21.50298, 0>,
<35.2168, -23.78125, -0.72>, <35.2168, -21.57244, -0.72>, <34.52483, -20.85299, -0.72>, <32.33359, -20.78352, -0.72>,
<35.2168, -23.78125, -3>, <35.2168, -21.57244, -3>, <34.52483, -20.85299, -3>, <32.33359, -20.78352, -3>
rotate 180*x
scale 1.4
pigment { color <1, 1, 0> }
287 | Light source | Definite Bug | 3.70 RC7 | Very Low | Low | area_illumination shadow calculation | Tracked on GitHub | |
Future release |
Task Description
not sure if this is something needing further work or an intended effect.
Shadows from and area light with area_illumination on seem to follow the same shadow calculation as a standard area light by giving more weight to lights near the center of the array. I would assume the shadows would be calculated similarly to individual lights in the same pattern as the array by evenly distributing the amount of shadow equally for each light. But this is not what I see.
The code sample below when rendered with scene 1 will show shadows grouped near the center from the area light with area_illumination. If scene 1 is commented out and scene 2 is uncommented then rendered, you will see evenly distributed shadows from individual lights. Area lighting with area_illumination I would assume should give a result identical to scene 2. If scene 1 is rendered with area_illumination off, the shadow calculation is exactly the same as with area_illumination on.
example images rendered on win32 XP
#version 3.7;
global_settings {
ambient_light 0
assumed_gamma 1
camera {
location <0, 3, -5>
look_at <0, 2, 0>
background { rgb <.3, .5, .8> }
plane { y,0 pigment { rgb .7 } }
torus { 1.5,.1 rotate 90*x translate 4*z pigment { rgb .2 } }
plane { -z,-7 pigment { rgb .7 } }
// scene 1
area_light 3*x, z, 7, 1
area_illumination on
union {
sphere { 0,.05 }
sphere { .5*x,.05 }
sphere { x,.05 }
sphere { 1.5*x,.05 }
sphere { -.5*x,.05 }
sphere { -x,.05 }
sphere { -1.5*x,.05 }
translate y
hollow pigment { rgbt 1 } interior { media { emission 10 } }
// end scene 1
// scene 2
#declare Light = light_source {
looks_like { sphere { 0,.05 hollow pigment { rgbt 1 } interior { media { emission 10 } } } }
union {
object { Light }
object { Light translate .5*x }
object { Light translate x }
object { Light translate 1.5*x }
object { Light translate -.5*x }
object { Light translate -x }
object { Light translate -1.5*x }
translate y
// end scene 2