Task Description
I tried to use 3.7 RC3. This was my first time with 3.7.
I got source, configured and compiled it and installed into Debian with checkinstall. And then I tried to use it. First run was with -benchmark (it took about 9 minutes, ok). Then I tried very simple scene:
rekcahx@oah:~/pov$ povray +Iaa.pov povray: This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE version of POV-Ray. General distribution is discouraged. Failed to parse command-line option
I tried to debug with strace:
rekcahx@oah:~/pov$ strace -o debug.strace povray +Iaa.pov povray: This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE version of POV-Ray. General distribution is discouraged. Persistence of Vision™ Ray Tracer Version 3.7.0.RC3 (g++ 4.6.1 @ x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu) This is a release candidate of POV-Ray version 3.7.0. General distribution is strongly discouraged.
POV-Ray is based on DKBTrace 2.12 by David K. Buck & Aaron A. Collins Copyright 1991-2003 Persistence of Vision Team Copyright 2003-2011 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.
Primary POV-Ray 3.7 Architects/Developers: (Alphabetically)
Chris Cason Thorsten Froehlich Christoph Lipka
With Assistance From: (Alphabetically)
Nicolas Calimet James Holsenback Christoph Hormann Nathan Kopp
Juha Nieminen
Past Contributors: (Alphabetically)
Steve Anger Eric Barish Dieter Bayer David K. Buck
Nicolas Calimet Chris Cason Aaron A. Collins Chris Dailey
Steve Demlow Andreas Dilger Alexander Enzmann Dan Farmer
Thorsten Froehlich Mark Gordon James Holsenback Christoph Hormann
Mike Hough Chris Huff Kari Kivisalo Nathan Kopp
Lutz Kretzschmar Christoph Lipka Jochen Lippert Pascal Massimino
Jim McElhiney Douglas Muir Juha Nieminen Ron Parker
Bill Pulver Eduard Schwan Wlodzimierz Skiba Robert Skinner
Yvo Smellenbergh Zsolt Szalavari Scott Taylor Massimo Valentini
Timothy Wegner Drew Wells Chris Young
Other contributors are listed in the documentation.
Support libraries used by POV-Ray:
ZLib, Copyright 1995-1998 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler
LibPNG 1.2.44, Copyright 1998-2002 Glenn Randers-Pehrson
LibJPEG 62, Copyright 1998 Thomas G. Lane
LibTIFF 3.9.5, Copyright 1988-1997 Sam Leffler, 1991-1997 SGI
Boost 1.46, http://www.boost.org/
OpenEXR, Copyright (c) 2004-2007, Industrial Light & Magic.
Parser Options
Input file: aa.pov
Remove bounds........On
Split unions.........Off
Library paths:
Clock value: 0.000 (Animation off)
Image Output Options
Image resolution.....320 by 240 (rows 1 to 240, columns 1 to 320).
Output file..........aa.png, 24 bpp PNG
Graphic display......Off
Mosaic preview.......Off
Continued trace......Off
Information Output Options
All Streams to console..........On
Debug Stream to console.........On
Fatal Stream to console.........On
Render Stream to console........On
Statistics Stream to console....On
Warning Stream to console.......On
Parse Warning: This scene did not contain a #version directive. Please be aware that as of POV-Ray 3.7, unless already specified via an INI option, a #version is expected as the first declaration in a scene file. POV-Ray may apply settings to some features that are intended to maintain compatibility with pre-3.7 scenes. You are strongly encouraged to add a #version statement to the scene to make your intent clear. Future versions of POV-Ray may make the presence of a #version statement mandatory.
Parser Statistics
Finite Objects: 1 Infinite Objects: 0 Light Sources: 1 Total: 2
Parser Time
Parse Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.001 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.000 CPU-seconds total
Bounding Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.000 seconds)
using 1 thread(s) with 0.000 CPU-seconds total
—————————————————————————- Render Options
Quality: 9
Bounding boxes.......On Bounding threshold: 3
Rendered 76800 of 76800 pixels (100%)
Render Statistics Image Resolution 320 x 240
Pixels: 76800 Samples: 0 Smpls/Pxl: 0.00 Rays: 76800 Saved: 0 Max Level: 1/5
Ray→Shape Intersection Tests Succeeded Percentage
Box 78226 1426 1.82
Shadow Ray Tests: 1426 Succeeded: 0
Render Time:
Photon Time: No photons
Radiosity Time: No radiosity
Trace Time: 0 hours 0 minutes 0 seconds (0.016 seconds)
using 4 thread(s) with 0.036 CPU-seconds total
POV-Ray finished
Every now and then all other command line options than –version, -version, -V, –help, -help -h, -?, –benchmark and –benchmark without leading strace in command line produces “Faild to parse command-line option” error.
My system: ebian GNU/Linux unstable (sid), quadcore AMD Phenom 2.6 GHz, 8GB ram. Povray: rekcahx@oah:~/pov$ povray –version povray: This is a RELEASE CANDIDATE version of POV-Ray. General distribution is discouraged. POV-Ray 3.7.0.RC3
This is a release candidate of POV-Ray version 3.7.0. General distribution is strongly discouraged.
Copyright 1991-2003 Persistence of Vision Team Copyright 2003-2011 Persistence of Vision Raytracer Pty. Ltd.
Built-in features:
I/O restrictions: disabled
X Window display: enabled (using SDL)
Supported image formats: gif tga iff ppm pgm hdr png jpeg tiff openexr
Unsupported image formats: -
Compilation settings:
Build architecture: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
Built/Optimized for: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (using -march=native)
Compiler vendor: gnu
Compiler version: g++ 4.6.1
Compiler flags: -pipe -Wno-multichar -Wno-write-strings -fno-enforce-eh-specs -s -O3 -ffast-math -march=native -pthread