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IDProjectCategory  descTask TypeReported InPrioritySeveritySummaryStatusProgressDue Date
81POV-RayGeometric PrimitivesDefinite Bug3.62Very LowMediumsphere_sweep generating artifactsTracked on GitHub
Task Description

I’m running POV-Ray for (64 bit) Windows v3.62 on (64 bit) Windows Vista

This pov file:

#include ""
#include ""

light_source { <6, 9, -21> color White }
camera { location <0, 0, -3> look_at <0, 0, 0> }

sphere_sweep {
                <-2.0, 0, 0> 0.05

                <0.000,0,0> 0.2
                <0.025,0,0> 0.2
                <0.050,0,0> 0.2
                <0.075,0,0> 0.2

                <3.0,0,0> 0.2
                pigment { color White }

Produces two strange artifacts: A disk at the center of the sweep, and a faint “halo” or veil which shows as 4 faint hyperbolas centered around the origin.

I have tried tweaking tolerance (for no other reason than I saw that someone else was tweaking it to solve a problem) but this does not seem to change things.

For a look at MY result when I run this, view this image:


Alain reports the same behavior in the latest version: “It’s still there with the latest version: 3.7 beta 35a.” This MAY move the status to “confirmed”, but I can’t do that

Someone else says that changing the scale (!) “solves” the problem by moving the disk and the halo offscreen, but that sounds like a bad idea to me.

-Jeff Evarts, first-time POVRay bug reporter

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