All Projects

IDProjectCategoryTask TypeReported InPrioritySeverity  descSummaryStatusProgressDue Date
 130 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowHigh Master scene unit system variable Closed
Task Description

Currently, many POV scenes/include files behave differently depending on the basic units used within the scene. Scaling them differently can affect things like ior and media. A master system variable that users can set to configure the scene’s units would be beneficial for sharing and collaboration purposes, so that person A’s glass interior works correctly in person B’s wine glass scene. Just like the #version system variable, it should have a default value but should be possible to explicitly override.

127POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowExpandable arraysTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Currently, arrays are of a fixed size. You can’t add or remove items to/from an array. I think it would like arrays to be expandable with no fixed and pre-determined size.

131POV-RayOtherFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowAbility to change the order of editor tabs by dragging ...Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

See Notepad++ or EditPad Lite for examples.

It would be nice to be able to drag tabs in the editor window to change their order, so as to group opened files together by relevance for instance.

138POV-RayUser interfaceFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow"Rename" option in File menuTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Would be great if there were a “Rename” option in the editor File menu to rename the current file name. Otherwise, you have to close the file, rename it in file manager, then open the file again, thus loosing the current tab position and undo history for the file.

140POV-RayPlatform-specificFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow"Reload" option in File menuTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Would be great to have a “Reload” option in the File menu to manually reload the current file from disk, discarding all subsequent changes since the last save.

145POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowStack trace report on errorTracked on GitHub
Task Description

In other languages if you encounter an error you’ll often be presented with a stack trace showing not only the file and line number the error occurred at, but also any calling functions and _their_ calling functions and so on.

Currently, Povray reports the line number of the error as well as the last five or so lines prior to the error. This is usually OK in simple scenes, but breaks down when you start making use of inclusion and macros.

Let’s say you have a macro located in a file that you then include in your scene. Within your scene you call the macro multiple times, passing input to it. However, by accident you pass _invalid_ input to the macro at some point, resulting in an error when parsing. In this case Povray will report the error as belonging to the macro whereas the actual bug exists in the calling code. If the macro is called more than once in your scene it can be difficult to figure out _which_ instance is the one supplying the bad input.

Not sure how much of this is achievable in Povray.

151POV-RayRuntime errorPossible Bug3.70 beta 37aVery LowLowNo way to cancel save while parsing, never ending error...Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

On Windows, when I try and save a file while it is being parsed prior to rendering, I get an error, “Failed to save file: The operation completed successfully”, with a single OK button to click. Despite the weird wording, I’m OK with that.

However after clicking OK I get the error, “Failed to save file ‘...’“, with three buttons: Cancel, Try Again, Continue. Not sure what “Continue” means in this context, given that the possibilities would seem to be covered by the other two buttons. Whatever.

Also, sometimes I get a message with only a single “Retry” button. Not sure what the exact message was.

Anyway, the real problem is that, regardless of which button I press, the program continues to spawning the same error message endlessly. Luckily there is a delay between them, but still it would be nice to have at least one of the three buttons *stop* POV-Ray from asking me again.

Also, once the program finishes parsing the file and it becomes possible once again to save the file, it does nothing. I.e. it doesn’t save the file. So what’s the point of the message and all the options? Why not just say, “Unable to save the file, file is parsing” and be done with it?

I think I recall the same behavior in 3.6.2, so it’s nothing new that’s been introduced.

333POV-RayUser interfaceFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLowMake text in "about" alt+b dialog selectable with the m...Tracked on GitHub
Task Description

When you press alt+b or access the “about” dialog in the Help menu it displays some text including software version number and list of contributors.

It would be nice to be able to select and copy this text using this mouse. Sometimes in the newsgroup I have to tell people what version of POVray I am using, and typing the version number can be a pain.

334POV-RayTexture/Material/FinishFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLowHLS colorsTracked on GitHub
Task Description

It would be nice to be able to specify colors in HLS as well as RGB.

Currently, you can use a macor to convert individual colors. But this does not work in color_maps where you want smooth gradations/interpolations between two or several colors.

335POV-RayParser/SDLPossible Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLowmacro works in variable but not in arrayTracked on GitHub
Task Description

This doesn’t work:

#declare pavement_object = array[2]

object {trash_can_macro()	scale 3/4			translate -x * 1/2},
object {potted_plant_macro(_CT_rand2)	scale 3/4	scale 3/2	translate -x * 1/2}


This does work:

#declare trash_can_object = object {trash_can_macro()};
#declare potted_plant_object = object {potted_plant_macro(_CT_rand2)};
#declare pavement_object = array[2]

object {trash_can_object	scale 3/4			translate -x * 1/2},
object {potted_plant_object	scale 3/4	scale 3/2	translate -x * 1/2}


Logically, I cannot see a reason for this to be so.

 150 POV-RayFrontendCompatibility Issue3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Windows file association problems (Win7 only??) Closed
Task Description

Windows allows you to associate programs with file extensions using the “Open with” file manager right-click menu extension.

I’m running Windows 7 64bit, and installed the 64 bit versions of 3.6.2 and the beta appropriately.

A couple of problems that I haven’t tested very thoroughly:

1. If you have both POV 3.6.2 and the beta installed at the same time, you can no longer using this dialog change the association to the beta once it has been created for 3.6.2. There’s no error or anything; it just opens the file inside 3.6.2 instead. Maybe because both versions appear as “POV-Ray for Windows” to this dialog? Would adding the version number to the name fix things? Anything I can do on my end of things to resolve this?

2. In POV-Ray 3.6.2, I can use this dialog to open *.inc, *.txt and other files in POV-Ray, but only if POV-Ray isn’t already running. If POV-Ray is already running I get an “Only /EDIT and /RENDER may be passed to previous instance” error. Files with the *.pov extension open properly regardless, without any error. I am unable to test this in the beta at the moment due to the first problem unfortunately. Could someone please test this with the beta and confirm whether the behavior also exists?

3. With the POV-Ray 3.7 beta, entering the following command in the command prompt results in the same error:

   "C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for Windows v3.7\bin\pvengine64.exe" "D:\Working\Povray\GearHead\LoadingScreen\btr_maanji.pov"

If I change it to the following it works however:

   "C:\Program Files\POV-Ray for Windows v3.7\bin\pvengine64.exe" /EDIT "D:\Working\Povray\GearHead\LoadingScreen\btr_maanji.pov"

Is this error/behavior really necessary? Would it be OK to instead change the behavior when the /EDIT flag is omitted in the
command-line such that the file is opened in the editor by default, without throwing an error?

 64 POV-RayImage formatFeature RequestNot applicableVery LowLow Add "POV-Ray" metatags to images Closed
Task Description

Add metatags to output images identifying the file as having been created using POV-Ray.

 122 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow #ELSEIF statement Closed
Task Description

Request an #ELSEIF statement in POV SDL.

 137 POV-RayInclude filesFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow atand function Closed
Task Description

There already exist atan, atan2 and atan2d functions, why not atand?

 63 POV-RayGeometric PrimitivesFeature RequestNot applicableVery LowLow Extend native support for 2D primitives Closed
Task Description

Improve native support for 2D primitives. Ideally a 1:1 mapping of SVG primitives/shapes. They go a long way to making diagrams look a lot better. Having to create image maps based on externally created bitmaps slows the workflow down a lot!

 119 POV-RayDocumentationFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Table of Contents in each page of the docs Closed
Task Description

There should be a table of contents on each page of the documentation, or at least on the very long pages. Scrolling through the entire page to figure out what topics are covered sucks.

 135 POV-RayPlatform-specificFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Right-click menu when clicking on editor tab Closed
Task Description

When right-clicking on a tab in the editor window a list of options should appear, such as:

* Close
* Close all but this
* Save
* Save as
* Print

See Notepad++, EditPad Lite, and Firefox for examples.

 62 POV-RayGeometric PrimitivesFeature RequestNot applicableVery LowLow Set and get font metrics Closed
Task Description

Add a way to get and set font metrics.

Attached an image that shows what I’m talking about.


 121 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Option to render pixels randomly, or in Nth pixel Closed
Task Description

Assuming there are no performance issues, it would be nice to tell Povray to select the pixels to render randomly, so that the image gets filled in gradually instead of from top to bottom and from left to right.

Also, maybe an option to tell it to render every Nth pixel.

 123 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow #BREAK statement inside #WHILE and #FOR loops Closed
Task Description

Request #BREAK statement inside #WHILE and #FOR loops.

 126 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Explicit #RETURN statement inside macros Closed
Task Description

In POV SDL it can sometimes be ambiguous what exactly a macro returns. An explicit #RETURNS statement would make this unambiguous.

 128 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Mixed-type arrays Closed
Task Description

Currently, arrays may contain only one object type. Would be nice to eliminate this restriction and allow arrays to contain objects of different types.

 132 POV-RayGeometric PrimitivesFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Native support for mesh-based surface approximations Closed
Task Description

There are various scripts around the Net meant for approximating things like isosurfaces and parametric objects using meshes. It would probably run bit faster and be easier to use if this were supported natively within Povray. The feature would require an additional object parameter in order to toggle this behavior on/off.

 134 POV-RayImage formatFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow INI option to overlay render information on output imag ...Closed
Task Description

It would be nice to configure an INI option to add render information like render time, date, and input file to output images.

 139 POV-RayPlatform-specificFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow "Delete" option in File menu Closed
Task Description

Would be nice to have a “Delete” option in the File menu to delete the current file from disk.

 146 POV-RayParser/SDLPossible Bug3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Macros are finnicky about how you type your code Closed
Task Description

Macros are finicky about how you type your code. What works outside macros sometimes fails inside them. For more information see the threads:

“Problems with macro (3.6)”, in p.a-u, 06-09-10
“Bad operands”, in p.g, 05-20-10

Still not sure *what* exactly the problem was, but one of my workarounds ended up working.

 147 POV-RayFrontendPossible Bug3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Statistic_File not working? Closed
Task Description

In POV 3.6 you could set the Statistic_File option to a custom file and folder path. In the beta I get an “Cannot open file” error. Has the feature been intentionally removed or did it become broken?

 148 POV-RayDocumentationFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Thumbnails in docs for,, shap ...Closed
Task Description

The documentation entries for,,,, etc. should have thumbnails next to the object descriptions.

 149 POV-RayUser interfaceFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Tray icon: show render progress Closed
Task Description

In the tray icon, I’d like to see the render progress indicated somehow icon itself. Either a set of numbers (percents), or a change in color of the icon (e.g. from top to bottom). Something like the attached images.

 152 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowLow Camera in object, union statements Closed
Task Description

Currently, cameras placed inside object or union statements will halt the render with an error. Take for instance the following case:

#local temp_camera_1 = camera
  location  z*-12
  direction  z
  up    y
  right    x*image_width/image_height
  scale    32

#local temp_light_1 = light_source
  color rgb 1
  translate <-30, 30, -30>

#local temp_light_2 = light_source
  color rgb 1
  translate <-30, 30, +30>

  object {temp_light_1}
  object {temp_light_2}
//  camera {temp_camera_1}  // doesn't work!!!

//object {temp_camera_1}  // doesn't work!!!
camera {temp_camera_1}  // works!!!

Changing this behavior would make it possible to more easily apply transformations to scene objects and the camera at the same time in situations where the scene’s frame of reference is in motion relative to the rest of the scene, for instance in animations.

 164 POV-RayOtherFeature Request3.70 beta 38Very LowLow Date/time stamp on rendered images Closed
Task Description

I’d like to request the ability to create a date/time stamp on output images so that new renders don’t always overwrite old ones. Thanks.

 211 POV-RayImage formatFeature Request3.70 RC3Very LowLow Fill blank space with pixels on quit rendering Closed
Task Description

It would be nice when quitting a render if the remaining space were filled with empty pixels. That way the partial render will still be viewable in all image apps.

 212 POV-RayUser interfaceFeature Request3.70 RC3Very LowLow Next beta: new desktop icon Closed
Task Description

For the next beta version, could you please create a new desktop icon? I keep clicking on the wrong version.

 312 POV-RayOtherPossible Bug3.70 releaseVery LowLow Rendering stuck at 99% Closed
Task Description

After a long parse period and a relatively quick rendering, POVray gets stuck at 99% when rendering the attached file.

Rendered at 6144x3072px with antialiasing set to 0.3.

Can anyone confirm?

 332 POV-RayUser interfaceFeature Request3.70 releaseVery LowLow Progress animation in taskbar tabs Closed
Task Description

On Windows 7 and newer operating systems, some programs are able to display their progress in the taskbar buttons.

Here is an example of Chrome downloading something and showing the progress in the taskbar:

Here is an example with Paint.NET instead:

I think this feature would use fewer CPU resources than a) minimizing/maximizing the whole application window each time you want to check progress, or b) hovering the mouse over the taskbar button to show the thumbnails.

129POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery LowHash arraysTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Currently, array items may only be referenced by their index number (an integer). It would be nice to also be able to assign string values as array indexes, as in other scripting languages.

133POV-RayGeometric PrimitivesFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery LowSubdivision supportTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Someone built a version of Povray with internal support for automatic subdivision of meshes. See:

Would like to see this feature added natively to Povray.

 120 POV-RayDocumentationCompatibility Issue3.70 beta 37aVery LowVery Low More library paths, wildcards Closed
Task Description

20 library paths is a bit small given the sheer number of include files I’ve collected over the years. An increase in the number, and/or the ability to include wildcards in the search path, would be great.

 124 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low variable number of parameters in macros Closed
Task Description

Many programming languages support an indeterminate number of parameters in functions/macros.

JavaScript for instance supports an “arguments” object.

Lua for instance supports the “args” object.

I would like to see that added to POV as well.

Here’s an JavaScript example:

function ArgTest(a, b){
   var i, s = "The ArgTest function expected ";
   var numargs = arguments.length;     //Get number of arguments passed.
   var expargs = ArgTest.length;       //Get number of arguments expected.
   if (expargs < 2)
      s += expargs + " argument. ";
      s += expargs + " arguments. ";
   if (numargs < 2)
      s += numargs + " was passed.";
      s += numargs + " were passed.";
   s += "\n\n"
   for (i =0 ; i < numargs; i++){      //Get argument contents.
   s += "  Arg " + i + " = " + arguments[i] + "\n";
   return(s);                          //Return list of arguments.
 125 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aVery LowVery Low System variable to track whether a file has been includ ...Closed
Task Description

Request a system variable to test whether a scene file has been included by another scene file.

For instance:

#if (is_included)
  camera {...}
 136 POV-RayParser/SDLFeature Request3.70 beta 37aDeferVery Low String concatenation operator Closed
Task Description

Using the concat function is tedious. Why not just have an operator with which to concatenate strings?

“Hello " + “world!”

“Hello " . “world!”

 160 POV-RayOtherFeature RequestAllVery LowVery Low Parallel GPU processing support Closed
Task Description

...for instance nVidia’s CUDA architecture, discussed here and other places.

General consensus is that it’s not worth the effort if only a partial set of POV-Ray’s features are possible.

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