The Persistence of Vision Raytracer (POV-Ray).

This is the legacy Bug Tracking System for the POV-Ray project. Bugs listed here are being migrated to our github issue tracker. Please refer to that for new reports or updates to existing ones on this system.

IDCategoryTask TypeReported InPrioritySeveritySummaryStatusProgressDue In Version
300OtherFeature Request3.70 RC7DeferVery LowReference Documentation SupportTracked on GitHub
Task Description

As emerged as an idea during the discussion of FS#299, an SDL / POV-Ray editor feature would be useful that allows API documentation via formal comments, e.g. in include files:

 * Creates a car object.
 * @param a
 *        description of param a
 * ...
#macro car(a,b,c)

In addition to the ability of (auto-)generating a documentation file from such comments, an editor window feature would be convenient that allows popup display of a macro’s (object’s / parameter’s / ...) documentation section.

299Parser/SDLFeature Request3.70 RC7Very LowLowObject Properties FeatureTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Up to POV-Ray 3.7 RC7 it has not been possible so far to declare custom properties for POV-Ray’s objects, which would be especially useful for complex objects defined in include files.

Currently, if you want to have an object (e.g. a car) with certain variable parameters (e.g. colour, wheel rotation, ...) defined in an include file and the parameters set by a scene file which uses the include file, you have to choose one of the following approaches:

1. use a macro

#macro car(colour, wheelrot, ...)

or, 2. check parameters declared before, e.g.

#declare car =
union {
  #ifdef (colour)
    #local colour_internal = colour;
    #local colour_internal = default_colour;

The resulting object would be used in the following way:

  #include "car.inc" // include file once
  object {
    car(rgb <1,0,0>, 0, ...) // macro approach
  // other approach
  #declare colour = rgb <1,0,0>;
  #declare wheelrot = 0;
  #include "car.inc" // include file every time you want to have a car object instance
  object {

Needless to say, both approaches are not quite optimal.

  • The macro approach needs only one #include directive and name conflicts will (hopefully) not be a problem. However, one would have to look up the parameter order of the macro in the include file, in the worst case every time the macro is used.
  • The other approach needs as many #include directives as car objects shall be instantiated, there can arise name conflicts with other inculde files used in the scene, and a (potentially long) list of parameters has to be declared before each #include. On the other hand, with this approach for any value it is clear which information it gives, e.g. #declare colour = rgb <1,0,0> can easily be read as ‘set car colour to “red”‘.

My suggestion would be creating an SDL feature to

  • declare which properties a certain object can have
  • set these properties inside the object statement in which the object is used.

One step up could be to even declare object classes along with them.

This could look like this:

// include file code
class car { // alternatively (without classes) use #declare car = object { ...
  property colour = rgb <1,0,0>; // with default colour
  union {

// scene file code
car { // alternatively (without classes) use object { car ... }
  colour rgb <0,0,1>

Note that this solution makes the declarations much more concise and easy-to-read. Especially in scenes with many includes and animation scenes where objects’ properties have to be manipulated according to sometimes complex functions, this would be very useful. Please also consider that such user-defined objects can have dozens of properties.

295User interfaceDefinite Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLowMinor GUI BugsTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Here are two low-priority bugs in POV-Ray’s GUI, observed by me under Windows XP, which should be easy to fix I think:

  • In the “Insert” menu, there are sub-menus (e.g. “Radiosity and Photons”) in which there are menu seperators at the end of the popped-up menu bar.
  • The progress bar in the top-right corner of the editor window seems to be too large for the window (203px) and therefore clipped. As a result, progress seems to be 100% when it is not yet, e.g. at 90% progress. (Have not measured exactly.)

Both bugs are not severe at all, but it would be nice if they could be fixed.
By the way, a second progress bar could be added to visualize the number of frames already rendered in an animation.

293User interfacePossible Bug3.70 RC7Very LowLowPOV-Ray Shown Twice in Windows TaskbarTracked on GitHub
Task Description

When rendering for some time, it occasionally happens that POV-Ray appears twice in the Windows taskbar. One button is the normal one, the other one does not open any window when clicked on and reads something like “99% complete” (see attached image), like the render window’s title, but obviously unrelated to it (probably the title the render window had shortly before?). After stopping the render, the odd taskbar button remains there until POV-Ray is closed.

  • Observed under Windows XP
  • POV-Ray 3.7.0.RC7.msvc10-sse2.win32
  • When applications are summarized into groups in the taskbar by Windows, the odd POV-Ray button is attached to the Windows Explorer group
  • Run with render priority set to “high”

Is this a Bug in Windows or in POV-Ray?

278BackendFeature Request3.70 RC7Very LowMediumImplement Lens Flare RenderingTracked on GitHub
Task Description

Currently POV-Ray does not support rendering lens flare effects, however, they can be simulated using a macro (include file) by Chris Colefax.

I would like to suggest adding a feature to POV-Ray to support lens effects “natively” since

  • as far as I know the macro has been designed for POV-Ray 3.1 so with each new POV-Ray version it gets more likely that this macro does not work properly any more
  • the macro does not work when rendering with radiosity, probably because the macro creates the lens effect by using a pigment with a high ambient value (which is ignored by POV-Ray 3.7’s radiosity algorithm).

Additionally, the macro is not quite easy to employ because

  • it needs to know the exact camera parameters (location etc.) and defines an own camera itself so any important camera information has to be stored if the effect has to work as expected
  • it does not (actually cannot) take into account that objects may (partially) hide the lens effect
  • reflections and refractions (of light sources) cannot be combined with it properly - the user would have to calculate both the point where the reflected/refracted light source can be observed and the shape it then has due to distortion, and in more complex scenes such computations are nearly impossible in SDL.

I would suggest integrating such a lens flare rendering feature with the “looks like” mechanism you already have for light sources. Several parameters that can currently be set for the macro - including effect brightness and intensity, lens options and whether to create a flare at all - could be set for the light source.

Then POV-Ray could store the location and colour of each ray that finally intersected the “looks like” object of a light source and, having finished the main rendering, from that data compute a partially transparent “lens flare layer” eventually mixed into the rendered image. By this, the above mentioned problems could be avoided:

  • an object fully or partially intersecting a light source’s “looks like” object would also reduce the number of pixels used to create a flare - and therefore reduce that flare until fully hiding it
  • the same goes for reflected and/or refracted versions of the “looks like” object
  • the camera’s location and other properties would be used automatically
  • and finally, as a feature supported by POV-Ray itself, there would be neither compatibility issues nor problems like the effect not fitting together with radiosity.

Do not get me wrong, I would not expect POV-Ray to really calculate intersections that naturally happen in a camera lens, causing lens flares. Effects looking appropriate can actually be created just in 2D space (as some graphics programs do support) so the work to be done would, as far as I have any overview, be:

  • storing, as mentioned above, the relevant data for pixels showing “looks like” objects
  • calculating a lens flare from that data after the render has finished
  • overlaying the rendered image with the newly created lens effect.
269Texture/Material/FinishPossible Bug3.70 RC6Very LowLowTransparent Objects inside Media Cause ArtefactsTracked on GitHub
Task Description

When placing a transparent object inside another object which contains media, artefacts may occur (see attached file). They look similar to specular highlights or are just strange white spots in the image.

I discovered artefacts of that kind first in the image of which MediaArtefactDetail.png is a cropped part. The code I managed to reproduce such artefacts with contained a “starfield” sphere

sphere {
  <0,0,0>, 1
  pigment { rgbt 1 }
  interior {
    media {
      emission rgb 1/10
      density {
        crackle form <1,0,0>
        density_map {
          [0.0 rgb 1]
          [0.05 rgb 0]
        scale 0.002
  scale 1000
  hollow on

and a transparent sphere

sphere {
  <0,0,0>, 1
  pigment { rgbt 1 }
  scale 2
  hollow on

which is, obviously, completely inside the other sphere. So is the camera.

Since the sphere has a pigment { rgbt 1 }, it should be completely invisible, which is correctly rendered as long as the scaling factor is 1 and hollow off (MediaArtefact1.png). Changing hollow to on does not yet produce the artefact, but the right half of the output image seems to be shifted by one pixel (MediaArtefact2.png). Changing the scaling factor to 2 (as it is in the above code) produces the artefact (MediaArtefact3.png). Changing the camera location (MediaArtefact4.png) does not change anything, the artefact just “moves with the sphere”. Changing the sphere size again, however, seems to stir up the “stars” in the “starfield” sphere while not removing the artefacts (MediaArtefact5.png). Changing hollow to off again does neither (MediaArtefact6.png).

The artefacts are definitely no specular highlights. There is not even a light source in the scene that could produce any. I used POV-Ray 3.7 RC6 to render the images, but the artefact shown in MediaArtefactDetail.png already occured in POV-Ray 3.6 which I used to render that image.

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